Source code for rbfopt_algorithm

"""Main optimization algorithm.

This module contains a class that implements the main optimization
algorithm. The class has a state so that optimization can be stopped
and resumed at any time.

Licensed under Revised BSD license, see LICENSE.
(C) Copyright Singapore University of Technology and Design 2016.
(C) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2016.


from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import absolute_import

import sys
import math
import time
import os
    import dill as pickle
    import pickle
import copy
import collections
import numpy as np
from multiprocessing import Pool
import rbfopt.rbfopt_utils as ru
import rbfopt.rbfopt_aux_problems as aux
import rbfopt.rbfopt_refinement as ref
from rbfopt.rbfopt_black_box import RbfoptBlackBox
from rbfopt.rbfopt_settings import RbfoptSettings

[docs]class RbfoptAlgorithm: """Optimization algorithm. Implements the main optimization algorithm, and contains all its state variables so that the algorithm can be warm-started from a given state. Some of the logic of the algorithm is not inside this class, because it can be run in parallel and therefore should not modify the state. Parameters ---------- settings : :class:`rbfopt_settings.RbfoptSettings` Global and algorithmic settings. black_box : :class:`rbfopt_black_box.RbfoptBlackBox` An object derived from class RbfoptBlackBox, that describes the problem. init_node_pos : 2D numpy.ndarray[float] or None Coordinates of points at which the function value is known. These points will be added to the points generated by the algorithm. If None, all the initial points will be generated by the algorithm. init_node_val : 1D numpy.ndarray[float] or None Function values corresponding to the points given in init_node_pos. Should be None if the previous argument is None. If init_node_pos is not None but init_node_val is None, the points in init_node_pos will be evaluated in the initialization phase of the algorithm. do_init_strategy : bool Perform initialization strategy. If True, the algorithm will generate an initial set of points on top of any user-provided points. If False, we will rely on user-provided points only. Notice that the algorithm may fail if not enough points are provided, and do_init_strategy is False. Default True. Attributes ---------- elapsed_time : float Elapsed CPU time up to the point where state was last saved. best_local_rbf : (string, float) Best RBF type to construct model for local search, and the corresponding shape parameter. best_global_rbf : (string, float) Best RBF type to construct model for global search, and the corresponding shape parameter. n : int Dimension of the problem. itercount : int Iteration number. evalcount : int Total number of function evaluations in accurate mode. noisy_evalcount : int Total number of function evaluations in noisy mode. current_step : int Identifier of the current step within the cyclic optimization strategy counter. cyclecount : int Number of cycles. num_cons_refinement : int Current number of consecutive refinement steps. num_stalled_iter : int Number of consecutive iterations without improvement. num_noisy_restarts : int Number of restarts in noisy mode. discarded_iters : collections.deque Rolling window to keep track of discarded iterations do_init_strategy : bool If True, perform initialization strategy on first cycle. inf_step : int Identifier of the InfStep. local_search_step : int Identifier of the LocalSearchStep. refinement_step : int Identifier of the Step. cycle_length : int Length of an optimization cycle. restoration_step : int Identifier of the RestorationStep. first_step : int Identifier of the first step of an optimization cycle. two_phase_optimization : bool Is the fast but noisy objective function is available? eval_mode : string Evaluation mode for the objective function at a given stage. Can be either 'noisy' or 'accurate'. node_pos : 2D numpy.ndarray[float] Coordinates of the interpolation nodes (i.e. the points where the objective function has already been evaluated). The coordinates may be in the transformed space. This matrix only includes points since the last restart. node_val : 1D numpy.ndarray[float] Objective function value at the points in node_pos. This array only includes points since the last restart. node_is_noisy : 1D numpy.ndarray[bool] For each interpolation node in node_pos, was it evaluated in 'noisy' mode? node_err_bounds : 2D numpy.ndarray[float] The lower and upper variation of the function value for the nodes in node_pos. The variation is assumed 0 for nodes evaluated in accurate mode. all_node_pos : 2D numpy.ndarray[float] Coordinates of the interpolation nodes. This matrix contains all evaluated points in the original space, and is persistent across restarts. all_node_val : 1D numpy.ndarray[float] Objective function value at the points in all_node_pos. all_node_is_noisy : 2D numpy.ndarray[bool] For each interpolation node in all_node_pos, was it evaluated in 'noisy' mode? all_node_err_bounds : 2D numpy.ndarray[float] The lower and upper variation of the function value for the nodes in all_node_pos. The variation is assumed 0 for nodes evaluated in accurate mode. num_nodes_at_restart : int Index of the first new node in all_node_pos after the latest restart. l_lower : 1D numpy.ndarray[float] Variable lower bounds in the transformed space. l_upper : 1D numpy.ndarray[float] Variable upper bounds in the transformed space. fmin_index : int Index of the minimum value among the nodes since last restart. fmin : float Minimum value among the nodes since last restart. fmax : float Maximum value among the nodes since last restart. fmin_stall_check : float Best function value at the beginning of the most recent optimization cycle. fmin_last_refine : float Best function value at the most recent refinement step. iter_last_refine : int Iteration number of the most recent refinement step. fbest_index : int Index in all_node_pos of the minimum value among all nodes. fbest : float Minimum value among all nodes. best_gap_shown : float Best gap shown on the log. is_fmin_noisy : bool Was the best known objective function since restart evaluated in noisy mode? is_fbest_noisy : bool Was the best known objective function evaluated in noisy mode? fixed_vars : List[(int, float)] Indices and values of fixed variables. The indices are with respect to the vector of all variables. ref_model_set : 1D numpy.ndarray[int] Indices of nodes (in node_pos) that are used to build the linear model for the refinement phase. ref_radius : float Radius of the refinement region. ref_iterate_index : int Index of the node (in node_pos) that is the current iterate for the refinement method. """ def __init__(self, settings, black_box, init_node_pos=None, init_node_val=None, do_init_strategy=True): """Constructor. """ assert(isinstance(black_box, RbfoptBlackBox)) assert(isinstance(settings, RbfoptSettings)) # Start timing self.elapsed_time = 0.0 start_time = time.time() # Save references of initial data self.settings = settings = black_box dimension = black_box.get_dimension() assert(dimension >= 1) # We make sure these vectors are Numpy arrays var_lower = np.array(black_box.get_var_lower(), dtype=np.float_) var_upper = np.array(black_box.get_var_upper(), dtype=np.float_) var_type = np.array(black_box.get_var_type()) assert(len(var_lower) == dimension) assert(len(var_upper) == dimension) assert(len(var_type) == dimension) integer_vars = np.array([i for i in range(dimension) if var_type[i].upper() != 'R'], dtype=np.int_) # Check for fixed variables fixed_vars = np.isclose(var_lower, var_upper, 0, settings.eps_zero).nonzero()[0] self.fixed_vars = [(i, var_lower[i]) for i in fixed_vars] # Adjust basic data if there are fixed vars if (len(fixed_vars)): unfixed_vars = np.setdiff1d(np.arange(dimension), fixed_vars, assume_unique=True) var_lower = var_lower[unfixed_vars] var_upper = var_upper[unfixed_vars] var_type = var_type[unfixed_vars] temp_array = np.array([False] * dimension) temp_array[integer_vars] = True integer_vars = np.where(temp_array[unfixed_vars] == True)[0] dimension -= len(fixed_vars) # Categorical 0-1 variables should be treated as integer var_type[(np.char.upper(var_type) == 'C') * (var_upper - var_lower == 1)] = 'I' # Expand categorical variable representation categorical = np.where(np.char.upper(var_type) == 'C')[0] not_categorical = np.where(np.char.upper(var_type) != 'C')[0] categorical_info = list() if (len(categorical)): # Adjust var_lower, var_upper and integer_vars current_vars = len(not_categorical) for i in categorical: categorical_info.append((i, var_lower[i], np.array( [current_vars + k for k in range(int(var_upper[i] - var_lower[i] + 1))], dtype=np.int_))) current_vars += int(var_upper[i] - var_lower[i] + 1) dimension = current_vars var_lower = np.array([var_lower[i] for i in not_categorical] + [0] * (current_vars - len(not_categorical)), dtype=np.float_) var_upper = np.array([var_upper[i] for i in not_categorical] + [1] * (current_vars - len(not_categorical)), dtype=np.float_) integer_vars = np.array( [i for i in range(len(not_categorical)) if var_type[not_categorical[i]].upper() == 'I'] + [i for i in range(len(not_categorical), current_vars)], dtype=np.int_) self.var_lower, self.var_upper = var_lower, var_upper self.integer_vars = integer_vars self.categorical_info = (categorical, not_categorical, categorical_info) assert(len(var_lower) == dimension) assert(len(var_upper) == dimension) assert((len(integer_vars) == 0) or (max(integer_vars) < dimension)) assert(init_node_pos is None or init_node_val is None or len(init_node_pos) == len(init_node_val)) assert(do_init_strategy or (init_node_pos is not None and len(init_node_pos) >= round((dimension + 1)*settings.init_sample_fraction))) # Set the value of 'auto' parameters if necessary l_settings = settings.set_auto_parameters(dimension, var_lower, var_upper, integer_vars) # Save references self.l_settings = l_settings # Local and global RBF models are initially the same self.best_local_rbf = (l_settings.rbf, l_settings.rbf_shape_parameter) self.best_global_rbf = (l_settings.rbf, l_settings.rbf_shape_parameter) self.best_local_rbf_list = list() self.best_global_rbf_list = list() # We use n to denote the dimension of the problem, same notation # of the paper. This is redundant but it simplifies our life. self.n = dimension # Set random seed and external loggers. We always use numpy's # random generator. This is taken care of by an appropriate # function (useful for parallelization). ru.init_environment(l_settings) # Initialize counters self.itercount = 0 self.evalcount = 0 self.noisy_evalcount = 0 self.current_step = 0 self.cyclecount = -1 self.num_cons_refinement = 0 self.num_stalled_iter = 0 self.num_noisy_restarts = 0 self.discarded_iters = collections.deque( maxlen=l_settings.discarded_window_size*l_settings.num_cpus) self.do_init_strategy = do_init_strategy # Should we solve underdetermined linear systems even when we # have enough points? self.solve_underdetermined = False # Initialize identifiers of the search steps self.inf_step = 0 self.local_search_step = (l_settings.num_global_searches + 1) self.cycle_length = (l_settings.num_global_searches + 2) self.refinement_step = (l_settings.num_global_searches + 2) self.restoration_step = (l_settings.num_global_searches + 3) # Determine which step is the first of each loop self.first_step = (self.inf_step if l_settings.do_infstep else self.inf_step + 1) # Initialize settings for two-phase optimization. if ( self.two_phase_optimization = True self.is_fmin_noisy = True self.is_fbest_noisy = True self.eval_mode = 'noisy' else: self.two_phase_optimization = False self.is_fmin_noisy = False self.is_fbest_noisy = False self.eval_mode = 'accurate' # Round variable bounds to integer if necessary ru.round_integer_bounds(var_lower, var_upper, integer_vars) # Save initial nodes if given if (init_node_pos is None): self.init_node_pos = np.empty((0, dimension)) else: self.init_node_pos = ru.expand_categorical_vars( np.atleast_2d(np.array(init_node_pos)), *self.categorical_info) for point in self.init_node_pos: ru.round_integer_vars(point, self.integer_vars) if (init_node_val is None): self.init_node_val = np.array([]) else: self.init_node_val = np.array(init_node_val) # Initialize global lists self.all_node_pos = np.empty((0, dimension)) self.all_node_val = np.array([]) self.node_pos, self.node_val = np.empty((0, dimension)), np.array([]) # Store if each function evaluation is noisy or accurate self.node_is_noisy = np.array([], dtype=bool) self.all_node_is_noisy = np.array([], dtype=bool) # Error bounds self.node_err_bounds = np.empty((0, 2)) self.all_node_err_bounds = np.empty((0, 2)) # We need to remember the index of the first node in all_node_pos # after every restart self.num_nodes_at_restart = 0 # Update domain bounds if necessary (self.l_lower, self.l_upper) = ru.transform_domain_bounds( l_settings, var_lower, var_upper) # Current minimum value among the nodes, and its index self.fmin_index = 0 self.fmin = float('+inf') # Current maximum value among the nodes self.fmax = float('+inf') # Current best value found self.fbest_index = 0 self.fbest = float('+inf') # Best gap shown on the log so far self.best_gap_shown = float('+inf') # Best function value at the beginning of an optimization cycle self.fmin_stall_check = self.fmin # Best function value and itercount at the most recent refinement self.fmin_last_refine = self.fmin self.iter_last_refine = 0 # Refinement region information self.ref_model_set = np.array([]) self.ref_radius = np.inf self.ref_iterate_index = None # Number of points in search space: if it is finite, used to # ensure we do not loop forever if (len(integer_vars) < dimension): self.search_space_size = np.inf else: self.search_space_size = - var_lower + 1) # Set default output stream self.output_stream = sys.stdout # Update timer self.elapsed_time += time.time() - start_time # -- end function
[docs] def set_output_stream(self, output_stream): """Set output stream for the log. Parameters ---------- output_stream : file Stream to be used for output. Must have a 'write' and a 'flush' method. """ assert('write' in dir(output_stream)) assert('flush' in dir(output_stream)) self.output_stream = output_stream
# -- end function
[docs] def print_init_line(self): """Print first line of the output, with headers. """ print(' {:>5s}'.format('Iter') + ' {:>6s}'.format('Cycle') + ' {:15s}'.format('Action') + ' {:>18s}'.format('Objective value') + ' {:>8s}'.format('Time') + ' {:>8s}'.format('Gap'), file=self.output_stream) print(' {:>5s}'.format('----') + ' {:>6s}'.format('-----') + ' {:15s}'.format('------') + ' {:>18s}'.format('---------------') + ' {:>8s}'.format('----') + ' {:>8s}'.format('---'), file=self.output_stream) self.output_stream.flush()
# -- end function
[docs] def update_log(self, tag, node_is_noisy=None, obj_value=None, gap=None): """Print a single line in the log. Update the program's log, writing information about an iteration of the optimization algorithm, or a special message. Parameters ---------- tag : string Iteration id tag, or unique message if at least one of the other arguments are None. node_is_noisy : bool or None Is the objective function value to be printed associated with a node evaluated in noisy mode? obj_value : float or None Objective function value to print. gap : float or None Relative distance from the optimum. This will be multiplied by 100 before printing. """ if (node_is_noisy is None or obj_value is None or gap is None): print(' {:5d}'.format(self.itercount) + ' {:6d}'.format(self.cyclecount) + ' {:35s}'.format(tag) + ' {:8.2f}'.format(time.time() - self.start_time), file=self.output_stream) else: print(' {:5d}'.format(self.itercount) + ' {:6d}'.format(self.cyclecount) + ' {:15s}'.format(tag) + ' {:18.6f}'.format(obj_value) + '{:s}'.format('~' if node_is_noisy else ' ') + ' {:8.2f}'.format(time.time() - self.start_time) + ' {:8.2f}'.format(gap*100) + ' {:s}'.format('*' if (gap < self.best_gap_shown and obj_value == self.fbest) else ' '), file=self.output_stream) if (gap < self.best_gap_shown and obj_value == self.fbest): self.best_gap_shown = gap self.output_stream.flush()
# -- end function
[docs] def print_summary_line(self, node_is_noisy, gap): """Print summary line of the algorithm. Parameters ---------- node_is_noisy : bool Is the objective function value to be printed associated with a node evaluated in noisy mode? gap : float Relative distance from the optimum. This will be multiplied by 100 before printing. """ print('Summary: iters {:3d}'.format(self.itercount) + ' evals {:3d}'.format(self.evalcount) + ' noisy_evals {:3d}'.format(self.noisy_evalcount) + ' cycles {:3d}'.format(self.cyclecount) + ' opt_time {:7.2f}'.format(time.time() - self.start_time) + ' tot_time {:7.2f}'.format(self.elapsed_time) + ' obj{:s}'.format('~' if node_is_noisy else ' ') + ' {:15.6f}'.format(self.fbest) + ' gap {:6.2f}'.format(100*gap), file=self.output_stream) self.output_stream.flush()
# -- end function
[docs] def remove_node(self, index, all_node_shift=0): """Remove a node from the lists of interpolation nodes. Given the index of a node, remove its references from all relevant places. Parameters ---------- index : int Index of the node to be removed, in the list self.node_pos all_node_shift : int A shift that has to be applied to the index to find the corresponding node in self.all_node_pos. Typically, this is the size of self.all_node_pos at the latest restart. """ assert(0 <= index <= len(self.node_pos)) assert(0 <= index + all_node_shift <= len(self.all_node_pos)) self.node_pos = np.delete(np.atleast_2d(self.node_pos), index, axis=0) self.node_val = np.delete(self.node_val, index) self.node_is_noisy = np.delete(self.node_is_noisy, index) self.node_err_bounds = np.delete( np.atleast_2d(self.node_err_bounds), index, axis=0) self.all_node_pos = np.delete(np.atleast_2d(self.all_node_pos), all_node_shift + index, axis=0) self.all_node_val = np.delete(self.all_node_val, all_node_shift + index) self.all_node_is_noisy = np.delete(self.all_node_is_noisy, all_node_shift + index) self.all_node_err_bounds = np.delete( np.atleast_2d(self.all_node_err_bounds), all_node_shift + index, axis=0)
# -- end function
[docs] def add_node(self, point, orig_point, value): """Add a node to the all relevant data structures. Given the data corresponding to a node, add it to all relevant places: the list of current nodes, the list of all nodes. Also, update function minimum and maximum. Parameters ---------- point : 1D numpy.ndarray[float] Coordinates of the node. orig_point : 1D numpy.ndarray[float] The point coordinates in the original space. value : float Objective function value of the node """ self.node_pos = np.vstack((self.node_pos, point)) self.node_err_bounds = np.vstack((self.node_err_bounds, np.array([[0, 0]]))) self.node_val = np.append(self.node_val, value) self.node_is_noisy = np.append(self.node_is_noisy, False) self.all_node_pos = np.vstack((self.all_node_pos, orig_point)) self.all_node_err_bounds = np.vstack((self.all_node_err_bounds, np.array([[0, 0]]))) self.all_node_val = np.append(self.all_node_val, value) self.all_node_is_noisy = np.append(self.all_node_is_noisy, False) # Update fmin and fmax self.fmax = max(self.fmax, value) if (value < self.fmin): self.fmin_index = len(self.node_pos) - 1 self.fmin = value self.is_fmin_noisy = False if (value < self.fbest): self.fbest_index = len(self.all_node_pos) - 1 self.fbest = value self.is_fbest_noisy = False
# -- end function
[docs] def add_noisy_node(self, point, orig_point, value, err_l, err_u): """Add a noisy node to the all relevant data structures. Given the data corresponding to a node, add it to all relevant places: the list of current nodes, the list of all nodes. Also, update function minimum and maximum. Parameters ---------- point : 1D numpy.ndarray[float] Coordinates of the node. orig_point : 1D numpy.ndarray[float] The point coordinates in the original space. value : float Objective function value of the node err_l : float Lower variation for the error interval of the node. err_u : float Upper variation for the error interval of the node """ self.node_pos = np.vstack((self.node_pos, point)) self.node_err_bounds = np.vstack((self.node_err_bounds, np.array([[err_l, err_u]]))) self.node_val = np.append(self.node_val, value) self.node_is_noisy = np.append(self.node_is_noisy, True) self.all_node_pos = np.vstack((self.all_node_pos, orig_point)) self.all_node_err_bounds = np.vstack((self.all_node_err_bounds, np.array([err_l, err_u]))) self.all_node_val = np.append(self.all_node_val, value) self.all_node_is_noisy = np.append(self.all_node_is_noisy, True) # Update fmin and fmax self.fmax = max(self.fmax, value) if (value < self.fmin): self.fmin_index = len(self.node_pos) - 1 self.fmin = value self.is_fmin_noisy = True if (value < self.fbest): self.fbest_index = len(self.all_node_pos) - 1 self.fbest = value self.is_fbest_noisy = True
# -- end function
[docs] def save_to_file(self, filename): """Save object on file, with its state. Saves the current state of the algorithm on file. The optimization can be subsequently resumed reading the state from file. This function will also attempt to save the state of the random number generators so that if resumed on the same machine, the optimization process is identical to an uninterrupted process. Parameters ---------- filename : string Name of the file that the state will be saved to. """ # Save state of RNG self.random_state = np.random.get_state() # We cannot pickle this attribute. Erase it. output_stream = self.output_stream self.output_stream = None # Dump to file with open(filename, 'wb') as pickle_file: pickle.dump(self, pickle_file, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) # Restore erased attribute self.output_stream = output_stream
# -- end function
[docs] @classmethod def load_from_file(cls, filename): """Load object from file, with its state. Read the current state from file, and return an object of this class. The optimization can be resumed immediately. This function will attempt to set the random number generators to the state they were in. Note that the output stream is set to stdout, regardless of the output stream when the state was saved, so the caller may have to set the desired output stream. Parameters ---------- filename : string Name of the file from which the state will be read. Returns ------- RbfoptAlgorithm An object of this class. """ assert(os.path.isfile(filename)) with open(filename, 'rb') as pickle_file: alg = pickle.load(pickle_file) np.random.set_state(alg.random_state) # Set default output stream alg.output_stream = sys.stdout return alg
# -- end function
[docs] def optimize(self, pause_after_iters=sys.maxsize): """Optimize a black-box function. Optimize an unknown function over a box using an RBF-based algorithm. This function will select the serial or parallel version of the optimizer, depending on settings. Parameters ---------- pause_after_iters : int Number of iterations after which the optimization process should pause. This allows the user to do other activities and resume optimization at a later time. Default sys.maxsize, which is larger than any practical integer. Returns ------- (float, 1D numpy.ndarray[float], int, int, int) A quintuple (value, point, itercount, evalcount, noisy_evalcount) containing the objective function value of the best solution found, the corresponding value of the decision variables, the number of iterations of the algorithm, the total number of function evaluations, and the number of these evaluations that were performed in 'noisy' mode. """ self.start_time = time.time() self.print_init_line() if (self.n == 0 and len(self.fixed_vars[0])): # There is nothing to do in this case self.update_log('All variables fixed, nothing to do!') self.add_node(self.var_lower, self.var_lower, objfun([, self.var_lower, self.categorical_info, self.fixed_vars])) self.evalcount += 1 elif (self.l_settings.num_cpus == 1): self.optimize_serial(pause_after_iters) else: self.optimize_parallel(pause_after_iters) start_time_retrieve_min = time.time() # Find best point and return it i = self.all_node_val.argmin() gap = ru.compute_gap(self.l_settings, self.fbest + self.all_node_err_bounds[i, 1]) # Update timer self.elapsed_time += time.time() - start_time_retrieve_min # Print summary and return self.print_summary_line(self.all_node_is_noisy[i], gap) if (self.categorical_info[2]): # Map back to original space best_point = ru.compress_categorical_vars( np.atleast_2d(self.all_node_pos[i]), *self.categorical_info)[0] else: best_point = self.all_node_pos[i] return (self.all_node_val[i], best_point, self.itercount, self.evalcount, self.noisy_evalcount)
[docs] def optimize_serial(self, pause_after_iters=sys.maxsize): """Optimize a black-box function. Serial engine. Optimize an unknown function over a box using an RBF-based algorithm. This is the serial version of the optimization routine. Parameters ---------- pause_after_iters : int Number of iterations after which the optimization process should pause. Default sys.maxsize. """ start_time = time.time() # Localize variables that will be used often and that will # never be erased through the algorithm. These are all arrays # or objects, so the reference points to the original. var_lower, var_upper = self.var_lower, self.var_upper l_lower, l_upper = self.l_lower, self.l_upper integer_vars = self.integer_vars settings, l_settings = self.settings, self.l_settings # The dimension will not be changed so it is safe to localize n = self.n # Save number of iterations at start itercount_at_start = self.itercount # If this is the first iteration, initialize the algorithm if (self.itercount == 0): self.restart() # We need to update the gap gap = ru.compute_gap(l_settings, self.fbest + self.all_node_err_bounds[self.fbest_index, 1]) # Initialize Amatinv Amatinv = None # Main loop while (self.itercount - itercount_at_start < pause_after_iters and self.itercount < l_settings.max_iterations and self.evalcount < l_settings.max_evaluations and self.evalcount < self.search_space_size and self.cyclecount < l_settings.max_cycles and time.time() - start_time < l_settings.max_clock_time and gap > l_settings.eps_opt): # If the user wants to skip inf_step, we proceed to the # next iteration. if ((self.current_step == self.inf_step and not l_settings.do_infstep) or (self.current_step == self.local_search_step and not l_settings.do_local_search)): self.advance_step_counter() continue # Check if we should restart. if (self.current_step <= self.first_step and ((len(self.discarded_iters) >= l_settings.discarded_window_size/2 and self.discarded_iters.count(True) >= l_settings.max_fraction_discarded * len(self.discarded_iters)) or (self.num_stalled_iter >= l_settings.max_stalled_iterations and self.evalcount + 3*(n + 1 + self.cycle_length) < l_settings.max_evaluations and self.cyclecount < l_settings.max_cycles - 1))): self.update_log('Restart') self.restart() # Number of nodes at current iteration k = len(self.node_pos) # If function scaling is automatic, determine which one to use if (settings.function_scaling == 'auto' and self.current_step <= self.first_step): sorted_node_val = np.sort(self.node_val) if (sorted_node_val[len(sorted_node_val)//2] - sorted_node_val[0] > l_settings.log_scaling_threshold): l_settings.function_scaling = 'log' else: l_settings.function_scaling = 'off' # If using Gutmann, ensure we have enough points if (settings.algorithm.upper() == 'GUTMANN'): l_settings.algorithm = 'MSRSM' if (k <= n) else 'Gutmann' # Initialize Amatinv because Gutmann's method may not # be possible until we have enough samples Amatinv = None # Rescale nodes if necessary tfv = ru.transform_function_values(l_settings, self.node_val, self.fmin, self.fmax, self.node_err_bounds) (scaled_node_val, scaled_fmin, scaled_fmax, scaled_err_bounds, rescale_function) = tfv # If RBF selection is automatic, at the beginning of each # cycle check if a different RBF yields a better model if (settings.rbf == 'auto' and k > n+2 and self.current_step <= self.first_step and len(self.best_local_rbf_list) < l_settings.max_cross_validations): loc_iter = int(math.ceil(k*0.1)) glob_iter = int(math.ceil(k*0.7)) best_local_rbf = ru.get_best_rbf_model( l_settings, n, k, self.node_pos, scaled_node_val, loc_iter) best_global_rbf = ru.get_best_rbf_model( l_settings, n, k, self.node_pos, scaled_node_val, glob_iter) self.best_local_rbf = best_local_rbf self.best_global_rbf = best_global_rbf self.best_local_rbf_list.append(best_local_rbf) self.best_global_rbf_list.append(best_global_rbf) # If we reached the maximum number of cross # validations, find the best model by looking at # frequency if (len(self.best_local_rbf_list) == l_settings.max_cross_validations): best_local_rbf = ru.get_most_common_element( self.best_local_rbf_list, ['failed']) self.best_local_rbf = (best_local_rbf if best_local_rbf is not None else ('cubic', 0.1)) best_global_rbf = ru.get_most_common_element( self.best_global_rbf_list, ['failed']) self.best_global_rbf = (best_global_rbf if best_global_rbf is not None else ('cubic', 0.1)) # If we are in local search or just before local search, use a # local model. if (self.current_step >= (self.local_search_step - 1)): l_settings.rbf = self.best_local_rbf[0] l_settings.rbf_shape_parameter = self.best_local_rbf[1] # Otherwise, global. else: l_settings.rbf = self.best_global_rbf[0] l_settings.rbf_shape_parameter = self.best_global_rbf[1] if (self.current_step <= self.local_search_step): try: # Compute the matrices necessary for the algorithm Amat = ru.get_rbf_matrix(l_settings, n, k, self.node_pos) if (l_settings.algorithm.upper() == 'GUTMANN'): Amatinv = ru.get_matrix_inverse( l_settings, n, k, Amat, self.categorical_info) # Compute RBF interpolant at current stage if (k < n+1 or self.solve_underdetermined): # Underdetermined RBF rbf_l, rbf_h = ru.get_rbf_coefficients_underdet( l_settings, n, k, Amat, scaled_node_val, self.categorical_info) else: # Fully accurate RBF rbf_l, rbf_h = ru.get_rbf_coefficients( l_settings, n, k, Amat, scaled_node_val, self.categorical_info) if (np.any(self.node_is_noisy)): # RBF with some noisy function evaluations rbf_l, rbf_h = aux.get_noisy_rbf_coefficients( l_settings, n, k, Amat[:k, :k], Amat[:k, k:], scaled_node_val, scaled_err_bounds, rbf_l, rbf_h) except np.linalg.LinAlgError: # Record statistics on failed model if (self.current_step >= (self.local_search_step - 1) and self.best_local_rbf_list): self.best_local_rbf_list[-1] = 'failed' elif (self.best_global_rbf_list): self.best_global_rbf_list[-1] = 'failed' # Error in the solution of the linear system. We must # switch to a restoration phase. self.current_step = self.restoration_step elif (self.current_step == self.refinement_step): if (self.num_cons_refinement == 0): # For the first refinement step iteration, some data # has to be computed self.ref_model_set, self.ref_radius = ref.init_refinement( l_settings, n, k, self.node_pos, self.node_pos[self.fmin_index]) self.ref_iterate_index = self.fmin_index # Compute linear model for refinement try: h, b, rank_deficient = ref.get_linear_model( l_settings, n, k, self.node_pos, scaled_node_val, self.ref_model_set) except np.linalg.LinAlgError: # Error in the solution of the linear system. We # go back to the usual search. self.current_step = self.first_step self.cyclecount += 1 continue # For displaying purposes, record what type of iteration # we are performing iteration_id = '' # Initialize the new point to None next_p = None if (self.current_step == self.inf_step): # Infstep: explore the parameter space next_p = pure_global_step(l_settings, n, k, l_lower, l_upper, integer_vars, self.categorical_info, self.node_pos, Amatinv) iteration_id = 'InfStep' elif (self.current_step == self.restoration_step): # Restoration next_p = self.restoration_search() if (next_p is None): if (k >= n+1 and not self.solve_underdetermined): # Try underdetermined linear systems and continue self.update_log('Restoration phase failed.') self.update_log('Changing linear system solve.') self.advance_step_counter() self.solve_underdetermined = True continue else: self.update_log('Restoration phase failed. Restart.') self.restart() continue k = len(self.node_pos) iteration_id = 'Restoration' elif (self.current_step == self.local_search_step): # Local search (adj, next_p, ind) = local_step( l_settings, n, k, l_lower, l_upper, integer_vars, self.categorical_info, self.node_pos, rbf_l, rbf_h, tfv[:4], Amat, Amatinv, self.fmin_index, self.two_phase_optimization, self.eval_mode, self.node_is_noisy) # Re-evaluate point if necessary if (ind is not None): self.remove_node(ind, self.num_nodes_at_restart) # We must update k here to make sure it is consistent # until the start of the next iteration. k = len(self.node_pos) if (adj): iteration_id = 'AdjLocalStep' else: iteration_id = 'LocalStep' elif (self.current_step == self.refinement_step): # Refinement next_p, model_impr, ref_to_replace = refinement_step( l_settings, n, k, l_lower, l_upper, integer_vars, self.categorical_info, self.node_pos, tfv[:4], h, b, rank_deficient, self.ref_model_set, self.ref_iterate_index, self.ref_radius) iteration_id = 'RefinementStep' else: # Global search next_p = global_step( l_settings, n, k, l_lower, l_upper, integer_vars, self.categorical_info, self.node_pos, rbf_l, rbf_h, tfv[:4], Amatinv, self.fmin_index, self.current_step) iteration_id = 'GlobalStep' # -- end if # Due to small tolerances in the solver, it is possible # that the point is slightly outside bounds. Clip it. if (next_p is not None): np.clip(next_p, l_lower, l_upper, out=next_p) # If the optimization failed or the point is too close to # current nodes, discard it. Otherwise, add it to the list. if ((next_p is None) or (ru.get_min_distance(next_p, self.node_pos) <= l_settings.min_dist)): self.advance_step_counter() self.discarded_iters.append(True) self.num_cons_refinement = 0 self.update_log('Discarded') else: # Transform back to original space if necessary next_p_orig = ru.transform_domain( l_settings, var_lower, var_upper, integer_vars, next_p, True) # Evaluate the new point, in accurate mode or noisy # mode. If we performed a restart, we also check if the # same node was evaluated before the restart happened, # to make sure we do not evaluate it twice. next_val = None if (self.eval_mode == 'accurate'): if (self.num_nodes_at_restart): min_dist, i = ru.get_min_distance_and_index( next_p_orig, self.all_node_pos[:self.num_nodes_at_restart]) if (min_dist < l_settings.eps_zero and not self.all_node_is_noisy[i]): next_val = self.all_node_val[i] if (next_val is None): next_val = objfun([, next_p_orig, self.categorical_info, self.fixed_vars]) self.evalcount += 1 curr_is_noisy = False else: if (self.num_nodes_at_restart): min_dist, i = ru.get_min_distance_and_index( next_p_orig, self.all_node_pos[:self.num_nodes_at_restart]) if (min_dist < l_settings.eps_zero): next_val = self.all_node_val[i] curr_is_noisy = self.all_node_is_noisy[i] if (next_val is None): next_val, err_l, err_u = objfun_noisy( [, next_p_orig, self.categorical_info, self.fixed_vars]) self.noisy_evalcount += 1 curr_is_noisy = True if (curr_is_noisy and self.require_accurate_evaluation(next_val + err_l)): self.update_log(iteration_id, True, next_val, gap) next_val = objfun([, next_p_orig, self.categorical_info, self.fixed_vars]) self.evalcount += 1 curr_is_noisy = False # Add to the lists if (curr_is_noisy): self.add_noisy_node(next_p, next_p_orig, next_val, err_l, err_u) else: self.add_node(next_p, next_p_orig, next_val) gap = ru.compute_gap( l_settings, self.fbest + self.all_node_err_bounds[self.fbest_index, 1]) self.update_log(iteration_id, self.node_is_noisy[-1], next_val, gap) if (self.current_step == self.refinement_step): real_impr = (scaled_node_val[self.ref_iterate_index] - rescale_function(next_val)) self.refinement_update(model_impr, real_impr, ref_to_replace, rank_deficient) self.iter_last_refine = self.itercount elif ((self.current_step == self.local_search_step or (self.current_step == self.local_search_step - 1 and not l_settings.do_local_search)) and (self.itercount >= self.iter_last_refine + self.l_settings.refinement_frequency * (self.cycle_length - (1 if self.l_settings.do_infstep else 2)) or self.unlimited_refinement_active())): self.current_step = self.refinement_step self.iter_last_refine = self.itercount else: self.advance_step_counter() self.discarded_iters.append(False) # Update iteration number self.itercount += 1 # At the beginning of each loop of the cyclic optimization # strategy, check if the main loop is stalling self.stalling_update() # Check if we should switch to the second phase of # two-phase optimization. self.phase_update() # Check if we should save the state. if (self.itercount % l_settings.save_state_interval == 0): self.save_to_file(l_settings.save_state_file) # -- end while # Update timer self.elapsed_time += time.time() - start_time
# -- end function
[docs] def optimize_parallel(self, pause_after_iters=sys.maxsize): """Optimize a black-box function using parallel evaluations. Optimize an unknown function over a box using an RBF-based algorithm, using as many CPUs as requested. Parameters ---------- pause_after_iters : int Number of iterations after which the optimization process should pause. This allows the user to do other activities and resume optimization at a later time. Default sys.maxsize, which is larger than any practical integer. """ start_time = time.time() # Localize variables that will be used often and that will # never be erased through the algorithm. These are all arrays # or objects, so the reference points to the original. var_lower, var_upper = self.var_lower, self.var_upper l_lower, l_upper = self.l_lower, self.l_upper integer_vars = self.integer_vars settings, l_settings = self.settings, self.l_settings # The dimension will not be changed so it is safe to localize n = self.n # Create pool of workers pool = Pool(l_settings.num_cpus, ru.init_environment, (l_settings, )) # List of new point evaluations. A new point evaluation has # the format: [result, point, is_node_noisy, iteration_id], # where result is an object of class AsyncResult, and point is # in the transformed space. res_eval = list() # List of new points to be explored. A new search request has # the format: [result, is_node_noisy, iteration_id], where # result is an object of class AsyncResult. res_search = list() # List of point evaluations removed from the computation # because numerically unstable. Same format as res_eval above. res_removed = list() # Save number of iterations at start itercount_at_start = self.itercount # Number of iterations spent in refinement. We used this # strange initialization statement to make sure that the # number is consistent (if not accurate) in case the algorithm # is stopped and restarted. refinement_itercount = self.itercount/l_settings.refinement_frequency # Is a refinement iteration in progress? refinement_in_progress = False # If this is the first iteration, initialize the algorithm if (self.itercount == 0): self.restart(pool=pool, remaining_eval=res_eval) # We will keep in the following data structures all temporary # nodes submitted for evaluation. if (res_eval): temp_node_pos = np.array([val[1] for val in res_eval]) else: temp_node_pos = np.empty((0, n)) temp_node_is_noisy = np.array([val[2] for val in res_eval], dtype=bool) temp_node_val = np.clip( ru.bulk_compute_and_evaluate_rbf( l_settings, temp_node_pos, n, len(self.node_pos), self.node_pos, self.node_val, self.fmin, self.fmax, self.node_err_bounds, self.categorical_info), self.fmin, self.fmax) # In two-phase optimization, it is possible that while a noisy # node is in the temporary list, we decide to evaluate it # accurately. We keep a list of any such node to ensure we # only keep its accurate evaluation. temp_node_tabu = np.empty((0, n)) # We need to update the gap gap = ru.compute_gap(l_settings, self.fbest + self.all_node_err_bounds[self.fbest_index, 1]) # Initialize Amatinv Amatinv = None # Main loop while (self.itercount - itercount_at_start < pause_after_iters and self.itercount < l_settings.max_iterations and self.evalcount < l_settings.max_evaluations and self.evalcount < self.search_space_size and self.cyclecount < l_settings.max_cycles and time.time() - start_time < l_settings.max_clock_time and gap > l_settings.eps_opt): itercount_before_rescheck = self.itercount # If some evaluations are complete, update data structures while (ru.results_ready(res_eval)): # Obtain one point evaluation that is ready j = ru.get_one_ready_index(res_eval) res, next_p, node_is_noisy, iid = res_eval.pop(j) if (node_is_noisy): next_val, err_l, err_u = res.get() else: next_val = res.get() # Remove from list of temporary points temp_node_pos = np.delete(np.atleast_2d(temp_node_pos), j, axis=0) temp_node_val = np.delete(temp_node_val, j) temp_node_is_noisy = np.delete(temp_node_is_noisy, j) # If distance is too small for whatever reason, better # to skip this point. if (ru.get_min_distance(next_p, self.node_pos) <= l_settings.min_dist): continue # If the node is noisy and it is on tabu list, ignore # and adjust the tabu list. if (node_is_noisy and temp_node_tabu.size and any(np.equal(temp_node_tabu, next_p).all(1))): min_dist, i = ru.get_min_distance_and_index( next_p, temp_node_tabu) temp_node_tabu = np.delete( np.atleast_2d(temp_node_tabu), i, axis=0) continue # Transform back to original space if necessary next_p_orig = ru.transform_domain( l_settings, var_lower, var_upper, integer_vars, next_p, True) if (node_is_noisy and self.require_accurate_evaluation(next_val + err_l)): # Evaluate again node_is_noisy = False new_res = pool.apply_async( objfun, ([, next_p_orig, self.categorical_info, self.fixed_vars], )) self.evalcount += 1 res_eval.append([new_res, next_p, node_is_noisy, iid]) # Update temporary node values by addin again at # the end of the array temp_node_pos = np.vstack((temp_node_pos, next_p)) temp_node_val = np.append( temp_node_val, np.clip(next_val, self.fmin, self.fmax)) temp_node_is_noisy = np.append(temp_node_is_noisy, node_is_noisy) else: # Add to data structures. if (node_is_noisy): self.add_noisy_node(next_p, next_p_orig, next_val, err_l, err_u) else: self.add_node(next_p, next_p_orig, next_val) gap = ru.compute_gap( l_settings, self.fbest + self.all_node_err_bounds[self.fbest_index, 1]) self.update_log(iid, node_is_noisy, next_val, gap) # Perform refinement updates if necessary if (iid == 'RefinementStep'): real_impr = (ref_rescale_function( node_val[self.ref_iterate_index]) - ref_rescale_function(next_val)) self.refinement_update_parallel( model_impr, real_impr, ref_to_replace, rank_deficient) refinement_itercount += 1 refinement_in_progress = False # Perform main updates self.itercount += 1 self.stalling_update() self.phase_update() # Check if we should save the state. if (self.itercount % l_settings.save_state_interval == 0): self.save_to_file(l_settings.save_state_file) # -- end while if (itercount_before_rescheck < self.itercount): # If some points have been evaluated, force another # loop to check termination conditions continue # At this point, the model could be updated. Are there # points that should be submitted for evaluation? while (ru.results_ready(res_search)): # Obtain one search point that is ready j = ru.get_one_ready_index(res_search) (res, node_is_noisy, iteration_id) = res_search.pop(j) # Local search is treated differently, because it # may require re-evaluation of previous points if (iteration_id == 'LocalStep'): adj, next_p, ind = res.get() # Re-evaluate point if necessary if (ind is not None): # Because of parallelism, there is a chance # that the node position changed. Make sure # we have the right one. if (ind < len(self.node_pos) and np.array_equal(self.node_pos[ind], next_p)): self.remove_node(ind, self.num_nodes_at_restart) else: # Find if there is a matching node ind = np.where(np.all( self.node_pos == next_p, axis=1))[0] if (ind.size): # We found a matching node self.remove_node( ind[0], self.num_nodes_at_restart) # There is no matching node, so the # re-evaluated node must be a temporary # one; add it to the tabu list. temp_node_tabu = np.vstack( (temp_node_tabu, next_p)) if (adj): iteration_id = 'AdjLocalStep' else: iteration_id = 'LocalStep' elif (iteration_id == 'RefinementStep'): next_p, model_impr, ref_to_replace = res.get() else: next_p = res.get() # Due to small tolerances in the solver, it is possible # that the point is slightly outside bounds. Clip it. if (next_p is not None): np.clip(next_p, l_lower, l_upper, out=next_p) # Verify that we have an actual point available if ((next_p is None) or (ru.get_min_distance(next_p, self.node_pos) <= l_settings.min_dist) or (temp_node_pos.size and (ru.get_min_distance(next_p, temp_node_pos) <= l_settings.min_dist))): self.discarded_iters.append(True) if (iteration_id == 'RefinementStep'): refinement_itercount += 1 refinement_in_progress = False self.num_cons_refinement = 0 # Update iteration number self.itercount += 1 self.update_log('Discarded') else: # Transform back to original space if necessary next_p_orig = ru.transform_domain( l_settings, var_lower, var_upper, integer_vars, next_p, True) # If we performed a restart, we also check if # the same node was evaluated before the # restart happened, to make sure we do not # evaluate it twice. next_val = None if (self.num_nodes_at_restart): min_dist, i = ru.get_min_distance_and_index( next_p_orig, self.all_node_pos[:self.num_nodes_at_restart]) if (min_dist < l_settings.eps_zero and (node_is_noisy or not self.all_node_is_noisy[i])): next_val = self.all_node_val[i] node_is_noisy = self.all_node_is_noisy[i] # Add to the data structures. if (node_is_noisy): self.add_noisy_node( next_p, next_p_orig, next_val, err_l, err_u) else: self.add_node(next_p, next_p_orig, next_val) gap = ru.compute_gap( l_settings, self.fbest + self.all_node_err_bounds[self.fbest_index, 1]) self.update_log(iid, node_is_noisy, next_val, gap) # Update iteration number self.itercount += 1 # Check if we should save the state. if (self.itercount % l_settings.save_state_interval == 0): self.save_to_file(l_settings.save_state_file) # Perform main updates self.stalling_update() self.phase_update() if (next_val is None): if (node_is_noisy): new_res = pool.apply_async( objfun_noisy, ([, next_p_orig, self.categorical_info, self.fixed_vars], )) self.noisy_evalcount += 1 else: new_res = pool.apply_async( objfun, ([, next_p_orig, self.categorical_info, self.fixed_vars], )) self.evalcount += 1 res_eval.append([new_res, next_p, node_is_noisy, iteration_id]) self.discarded_iters.append(False) # Append point to the list of temporary nodes. # When evaluating the surrogate model, use the # RbfoptSettings object that was used when # rbf_l and rbf_h were last computed. # Furthermore, ensure we only pick # nodes used to compute coefficients. val = ru.evaluate_rbf( rbf_coeff_settings, next_p, n, len(rbf_l), node_pos[:len(rbf_l)], rbf_l, rbf_h) temp_node_pos = np.vstack((temp_node_pos, next_p)) temp_node_val = np.append( temp_node_val, np.clip(val, self.fmin, self.fmax)) temp_node_is_noisy = np.append(temp_node_is_noisy, node_is_noisy) # -- end while # If no CPUs are available, wait a bit and try again. if (len(res_eval) + len(res_search) >= l_settings.num_cpus): time.sleep(l_settings.parallel_wakeup_time) continue # At this point, we know that there are free workers, so # we should try to generate new search points. # If the user wants to skip inf_step, we proceed to the # next iteration. if ((self.current_step == self.inf_step and not l_settings.do_infstep) or (self.current_step == self.local_search_step and not l_settings.do_local_search)): self.advance_step_counter() continue # Check if we should restart. if (self.current_step <= self.first_step and ((len(self.discarded_iters) >= l_settings.discarded_window_size*l_settings.num_cpus/2 and self.discarded_iters.count(True) >= l_settings.max_fraction_discarded * len(self.discarded_iters)) or (self.num_stalled_iter >= l_settings.max_stalled_iterations and self.evalcount + 3*(n + 1 + self.cycle_length) < l_settings.max_evaluations and self.cyclecount < l_settings.max_cycles - 1))): # If there are still results in the pipeline, wait for # them, then try again. if (res_eval or res_search): [result[0].wait() for result in res_eval] [result[0].wait() for result in res_search] continue # If there were no results in the pipeline, we should # restart. self.update_log('Restart') self.restart(pool=pool, remaining_eval=res_eval) if (res_eval): temp_node_pos = np.array([val[1] for val in res_eval]) else: temp_node_pos = np.empty((0, n)) temp_node_is_noisy = np.array([val[2] for val in res_eval], dtype=bool) temp_node_val = np.clip( ru.bulk_compute_and_evaluate_rbf( l_settings, temp_node_pos, n, len(self.node_pos), self.node_pos, self.node_val, self.fmin, self.fmax, self.node_err_bounds, self.categorical_info), self.fmin, self.fmax) temp_node_tabu = np.empty((0, n)) # Nodes at current iteration, including temporary ones node_pos = np.vstack((self.node_pos, temp_node_pos)) node_err_bounds = np.vstack( (self.node_err_bounds, np.zeros((len(temp_node_pos), 2)))) node_val = np.append(self.node_val, temp_node_val) node_is_noisy = np.append(self.node_is_noisy, temp_node_is_noisy) k = len(node_pos) # Make a copy as there might be parallel access l_settings = copy.deepcopy(l_settings) # If function scaling is automatic, determine which one to use if (settings.function_scaling == 'auto' and self.current_step <= self.first_step): sorted_node_val = np.sort(node_val) if (sorted_node_val[len(sorted_node_val)//2] - sorted_node_val[0] > l_settings.log_scaling_threshold): l_settings.function_scaling = 'log' else: l_settings.function_scaling = 'off' # If using Gutmann, ensure we have enough points if (settings.algorithm.upper() == 'GUTMANN'): l_settings.algorithm = 'MSRSM' if (k <= n) else 'Gutmann' # Initialize Amatinv because Gutmann's method may not # be possible until we have enough samples Amatinv = None # Rescale nodes if necessary tfv = ru.transform_function_values(l_settings, node_val, self.fmin, self.fmax, node_err_bounds) (scaled_node_val, scaled_fmin, scaled_fmax, scaled_err_bounds, rescale_function) = tfv # If RBF selection is automatic, at the beginning of each # cycle check if a different RBF yields a better model if (settings.rbf == 'auto' and k > n+2 and self.current_step <= self.first_step and len(self.best_local_rbf_list) < l_settings.max_cross_validations): loc_iter = int(math.ceil(k*0.1)) glob_iter = int(math.ceil(k*0.7)) best_local_rbf = ru.get_best_rbf_model( l_settings, n, k, node_pos, scaled_node_val, loc_iter) best_global_rbf = ru.get_best_rbf_model( l_settings, n, k, node_pos, scaled_node_val, glob_iter) self.best_local_rbf = best_local_rbf self.best_global_rbf = best_global_rbf self.best_local_rbf_list.append(best_local_rbf) self.best_global_rbf_list.append(best_global_rbf) # If we reached the maximum number of cross # validations, find the best model by looking at # frequency if (len(self.best_local_rbf_list) == l_settings.max_cross_validations): best_local_rbf = ru.get_most_common_element( self.best_local_rbf_list, ['failed']) self.best_local_rbf = (best_local_rbf if best_local_rbf is not None else ('cubic', 0.1)) best_global_rbf = ru.get_most_common_element( self.best_global_rbf_list, ['failed']) self.best_global_rbf = (best_global_rbf if best_global_rbf is not None else ('cubic', 0.1)) # If we are in local search or just before local search, use a # local model. if (self.current_step >= (self.local_search_step - 1)): l_settings.rbf = self.best_local_rbf[0] l_settings.rbf_shape_parameter = self.best_local_rbf[1] # Otherwise, global. else: l_settings.rbf = self.best_global_rbf[0] l_settings.rbf_shape_parameter = self.best_global_rbf[1] try: # Compute the matrices necessary for the algorithm Amat = ru.get_rbf_matrix(l_settings, n, k, node_pos) if (l_settings.algorithm.upper() == 'GUTMANN'): Amatinv = ru.get_matrix_inverse( l_settings, n, k, Amat, self.categorical_info) # Compute RBF interpolant at current stage if (k < n+1 or self.solve_underdetermined): # Underdetermined RBF rbf_l, rbf_h = ru.get_rbf_coefficients_underdet( l_settings, n, k, Amat, scaled_node_val, self.categorical_info) else: # Fully accurate RBF rbf_l, rbf_h = ru.get_rbf_coefficients( l_settings, n, k, Amat, scaled_node_val, self.categorical_info) if (np.any(self.node_is_noisy)): # RBF with some noisy function evaluations rbf_l, rbf_h = aux.get_noisy_rbf_coefficients( l_settings, n, k, Amat[:k, :k], Amat[:k, k:], scaled_node_val, scaled_err_bounds, rbf_l, rbf_h) # Copy in case something goes wrong rbf_coeff_settings = copy.deepcopy(l_settings) except np.linalg.LinAlgError: if (k >= n+1 and not self.solve_underdetermined): # Try underdetermined linear systems and continue self.solve_underdetermined = True continue # Record statistics on failed model if (self.current_step >= (self.local_search_step - 1)): self.best_local_rbf_list[-1] = 'failed' else: self.best_global_rbf_list[-1] = 'failed' # Error in the solution of the linear system. We must # switch to a restoration phase. self.current_step = self.restoration_step # For displaying purposes, record what type of iteration # we are performing iteration_id = '' # Initialize the new point to None next_p = None curr_is_noisy = (self.eval_mode == 'noisy') if (self.current_step == self.restoration_step): # If there are still results in the pipeline, wait for # them, then try again. if (res_eval or res_search): [result[0].wait() for result in res_eval] [result[0].wait() for result in res_search] continue # If we failed, we restart because in parallel mode # many things can go wrong when deleting points self.solve_underdetermined = False self.update_log('Restoration phase failed. Restart.') self.update_log('Restart') self.restart(pool=pool, remaining_eval=res_eval) if (res_eval): temp_node_pos = np.array([val[1] for val in res_eval]) else: temp_node_pos = np.empty((0, n)) temp_node_is_noisy = np.array([val[2] for val in res_eval], dtype=bool) temp_node_val = np.clip( ru.bulk_compute_and_evaluate_rbf( l_settings, temp_node_pos, n, len(self.node_pos), self.node_pos, self.node_val, self.fmin, self.fmax, self.node_err_bounds, self.categorical_info), self.fmin, self.fmax) temp_node_tabu = np.empty((0, n)) continue # If no refinement is in progress, and the frequency is # not excessive, start it or keep it going elif (not refinement_in_progress and refinement_itercount <= self.itercount / l_settings.refinement_frequency): if (self.num_cons_refinement == 0 or (self.fmin <= node_val[self.ref_iterate_index] - l_settings.eps_impr * max(1.0, abs(node_val[self.ref_iterate_index])))): # For the first refinement step iteration, some # data has to be computed; note that we use only # non-temporary points to initialize model self.ref_model_set, self.ref_radius = ref.init_refinement( l_settings, n, len(self.node_pos), self.node_pos, self.node_pos[self.fmin_index]) self.ref_iterate_index = self.fmin_index try: # Compute linear model for refinement h, b, rank_deficient = ref.get_linear_model( l_settings, n, k, node_pos, scaled_node_val, self.ref_model_set) new_res = pool.apply_async( refinement_step, (l_settings, n, k, l_lower, l_upper, integer_vars, self.categorical_info, node_pos, tfv[:4], h, b, rank_deficient, self.ref_model_set, self.ref_iterate_index, self.ref_radius)) iteration_id = 'RefinementStep' ref_rescale_function = rescale_function res_search.append([new_res, curr_is_noisy, iteration_id]) refinement_in_progress = True except np.linalg.LinAlgError: # Error in the solution of the linear system. We # ignore and continue the search. pass elif (self.current_step == self.inf_step): # Infstep: explore the parameter space new_res = pool.apply_async( pure_global_step, (l_settings, n, k, l_lower, l_upper, integer_vars, self.categorical_info, node_pos, Amatinv)) iteration_id = 'InfStep' res_search.append([new_res, curr_is_noisy, iteration_id]) elif (self.current_step == self.local_search_step): # Local search new_res = pool.apply_async( local_step, (l_settings, n, k, l_lower, l_upper, integer_vars, self.categorical_info, node_pos, rbf_l, rbf_h, tfv[:4], Amat, Amatinv, self.fmin_index, self.two_phase_optimization, self.eval_mode, node_is_noisy)) iteration_id = 'LocalStep' res_search.append([new_res, curr_is_noisy, iteration_id]) else: # Global search new_res = pool.apply_async( global_step, (l_settings, n, k, l_lower, l_upper, integer_vars, self.categorical_info, node_pos, rbf_l, rbf_h, tfv[:4], Amatinv, self.fmin_index, self.current_step)) iteration_id = 'GlobalStep' res_search.append([new_res, curr_is_noisy, iteration_id]) # -- end if # Move forward, without waiting for results if (iteration_id != 'RefinementStep'): self.advance_step_counter() # -- end while # Wait for all results to complete pool.close() pool.join() # Obtain all point evaluations that are ready for (res, next_p, node_is_noisy, iid) in res_eval + res_removed: next_val = res.get() min_dist = ru.get_min_distance(next_p, self.node_pos) # Transform back to original space if necessary next_p_orig = ru.transform_domain( l_settings, var_lower, var_upper, integer_vars, next_p, True) # Add to the lists. if (node_is_noisy): self.add_noisy_node(next_p, next_p_orig, next_val, err_l, err_u) else: self.add_node(next_p, next_p_orig, next_val) gap = ru.compute_gap( l_settings, self.fbest + self.all_node_err_bounds[self.fbest_index, 1]) self.update_log(iid, self.node_is_noisy[-1], next_val, gap) # Update iteration number self.itercount += 1 # -- end for # Update timer self.elapsed_time += time.time() - start_time
# -- end function
[docs] def restart(self, pool=None, remaining_eval=None): """Perform a complete restart of the optimization. Restart the optimization algorithm, i.e. discard the current RBF model, and select new sample points to start the algorithm from scratch. Previous point evaluations are ignored, but they are still recorded in the appropriate arrays. Parameters ---------- pool : multiprocessing.Pool() A pool of workers to evaluate the initialization points in parallel. If None, parallel evaluation will not be performed. remaining_eval : list() A list to which any outstanding initialization point evaluation is appended. If None, these evaluations will be discarded. Raises ------ RuntimeError If the routine does not find enough good initialization points. """ # We update the number of noisy restarts here, so that if # we hit the limit on noisy restarts, we can evaluate # points in accurate mode after restarting (even if # eval_mode is updated in a subsequent block of code) self.num_noisy_restarts += (1 if self.eval_mode == 'noisy' else 0) # Store the current number of nodes self.num_nodes_at_restart = len(self.all_node_pos) # Parallel evaluations -- will not be used in serial # mode. Same format as in optimize_parallel() res_eval = list() if (self.itercount > 0 or self.do_init_strategy): # Compute a new set of starting points node_pos = ru.initialize_nodes( self.l_settings, self.var_lower, self.var_upper, self.integer_vars, self.categorical_info) # Check if some points were previously evaluated, i.e. before # the restart. If so, remove them from the list of nodes that # will be evaluated now. Keep their count. already_eval = 0 if (self.num_nodes_at_restart): (node_pos, already_eval, prev_node_pos, prev_node_val, prev_node_is_noisy, prev_node_err_bounds) = self.remove_existing_nodes(node_pos) # Evaluate new points if (self.eval_mode == 'accurate' or self.num_noisy_restarts > self.l_settings.max_noisy_restarts or (self.noisy_evalcount + self.n + 1 >= self.l_settings.max_noisy_evaluations)): if (pool is None): node_val = np.array([objfun([, point, self.categorical_info, self.fixed_vars]) for point in node_pos]) self.evalcount += len(node_val) else: for point in node_pos: res = pool.apply_async( objfun, ([, point, self.categorical_info, self.fixed_vars], )) self.evalcount += 1 res_eval.append([res, point, False, 'Initialization']) temp_node_pos = list() temp_node_val = list() # Wait for a sufficient number of results while (len(temp_node_val) < ru.get_min_num_init_samples_parallel( self.l_settings, self.n) - already_eval): if (not ru.results_ready(res_eval)): time.sleep(self.l_settings.parallel_wakeup_time) continue while(ru.results_ready(res_eval)): # Obtain one point evaluation that is ready j = ru.get_one_ready_index(res_eval) res, point, node_is_noisy, iid = res_eval.pop(j) temp_node_pos.append(point) temp_node_val.append(res.get()) # Add all unfinished evaluations to the # appropriate list, and store the rest if (temp_node_pos): node_pos = np.array(temp_node_pos) node_val = np.array(temp_node_val) else: node_pos = np.empty((0, self.n)) node_val = np.array([]) remaining_eval.extend(res_eval) node_err_bounds = np.zeros((len(node_val), 2)) else: if (pool is None): val = np.array([objfun_noisy([, point, self.categorical_info, self.fixed_vars]) for point in node_pos]) self.noisy_evalcount += len(val) else: for point in node_pos: res = pool.apply_async( objfun_noisy, ([, point, self.categorical_info, self.fixed_vars], )) self.noisy_evalcount += 1 res_eval.append([res, point, True, 'Initialization']) temp_node_pos = list() temp_node_val = list() # Wait for a sufficient number of results while (len(temp_node_val) < ru.get_min_num_init_samples_parallel( self.l_settings, self.n) - already_eval): if (not ru.results_ready(res_eval)): time.sleep(self.l_settings.parallel_wakeup_time) continue while(ru.results_ready(res_eval)): # Obtain one point evaluation that is ready j = ru.get_one_ready_index(res_eval) res, point, node_is_noisy, iid = res_eval.pop(j) temp_node_pos.append(point) temp_node_val.append(res.get()) # Add all unfinished evaluations to the # appropriate list, and store the rest if (temp_node_pos): node_pos = np.array(temp_node_pos) val = np.array(temp_node_val) else: node_pos = np.empty((0, self.n)) val = np.empty((0, 3)) remaining_eval.extend(res_eval) node_val = val[:, 0] node_err_bounds = val[:, 1:] node_is_noisy = np.array([self.eval_mode == 'noisy' for val in node_val]) # Add previously evaluated points, if any if (self.num_nodes_at_restart and prev_node_pos): node_pos = np.vstack((node_pos, np.array(prev_node_pos))) node_val = np.append(node_val, np.array(prev_node_val)) node_is_noisy = np.append( node_is_noisy, np.array(prev_node_is_noisy, dtype=bool)) node_err_bounds = np.vstack((node_err_bounds, np.array(prev_node_err_bounds))) else: # We did not perform the initialization strategy, so use # empty arrays node_pos = np.empty((0, self.n)) node_val = np.empty((0, 1)) node_is_noisy = np.empty((0, 1), dtype=bool) node_err_bounds = np.empty((0, 2)) # Add user-provided points if this is the first iteration if (self.init_node_pos.size and self.itercount == 0): # Determine which points can be added, based on distance # from other points self_dist = ([float('+inf')] + [ru.get_min_distance(self.init_node_pos[i], self.init_node_pos[:i]) for i in range(1, len(self.init_node_pos))]) if (node_pos.size > 0): dist = ru.bulk_get_min_distance(self.init_node_pos, node_pos) selected = [i for i in range(len(self.init_node_pos)) if (dist[i] > self.l_settings.min_dist and self_dist[i] > self.l_settings.min_dist)] else: selected = [i for i in range(len(self.init_node_pos)) if (self_dist[i] > self.l_settings.min_dist)] init_node_pos = np.array(self.init_node_pos[selected]) if (self.init_node_val.size < len(self.init_node_pos)): # Not enough values are provided, so we evaluate each node. if (pool is None): init_node_val = np.array([objfun([, point, self.categorical_info, self.fixed_vars]) for point in init_node_pos]) else: map_arg = [[, point, self.categorical_info, self.fixed_vars] for point in init_node_pos] init_node_val = np.array(, map_arg)) self.evalcount += len(init_node_val) else: init_node_val = self.init_node_val[selected] if (init_node_pos.size): node_pos = np.vstack((node_pos, init_node_pos)) node_val = np.append(node_val, init_node_val) node_is_noisy = np.append(node_is_noisy, np.zeros(len(init_node_val), dtype=bool)) node_err_bounds = np.vstack((node_err_bounds, np.zeros((len(init_node_val), 2)))) self.all_node_pos = np.vstack((self.all_node_pos, node_pos)) self.all_node_err_bounds = np.vstack((self.all_node_err_bounds, node_err_bounds)) self.all_node_val = np.append(self.all_node_val, node_val) self.all_node_is_noisy = np.append(self.all_node_is_noisy, node_is_noisy) # Rescale the domain of the function node_pos = ru.bulk_transform_domain( self.l_settings, self.var_lower, self.var_upper, self.integer_vars, node_pos) # Update references self.node_pos, self.node_val = node_pos, node_val self.node_is_noisy = node_is_noisy self.node_err_bounds = node_err_bounds # Update all counters and values to restart properly self.fmin_index = np.argmin(node_val) self.fmin = node_val[self.fmin_index] self.fmax = np.max(node_val) self.fmin_stall_check = self.fmin self.fmin_last_refine = self.fmin self.iter_last_refine = self.itercount self.num_stalled_iter = 0 self.discarded_iters.clear() self.num_cons_refinement = 0 self.solve_underdetermined = False self.is_fmin_noisy = self.node_is_noisy[self.fmin_index] if (self.fmin < self.fbest): self.fbest = self.fmin self.fbest_index = self.fmin_index + self.num_nodes_at_restart self.is_fbest_noisy = self.node_is_noisy[self.fmin_index] gap = ru.compute_gap(self.l_settings, self.fbest + self.all_node_err_bounds[self.fbest_index, 1]) self.current_step = self.first_step self.cyclecount += 1 # Print the initialization points for (i, val) in enumerate(self.node_val): min_dist = ru.get_min_distance(self.node_pos[i], np.vstack((self.node_pos[:i], self.node_pos[(i+1):]))) self.update_log('Initialization', self.node_is_noisy[i], val, gap)
# -- end function
[docs] def remove_existing_nodes(self, node_pos): """Remove from an array all previously evaluated points. Check the all_node_ data structures to eliminate from node_pos every point that is already present in the data structures. Return a purged array of nodes, as well as lists with data for all points that were removed. Parameters ---------- settings : :class:`rbfopt_settings.RbfoptSettings`. Global and algorithmic settings. node_pos : 2D numpy.ndarray[float] List of coordinates of the nodes from which we will purge. Returns ------- (2D numpy.ndarray[float], int, List[1D numpy.ndarray[float]], List[float], List[bool], List[(float, float)]) An updated 2D array of points (where all existing ones have been eliminated), the number of eliminated points, the list of eliminated points, the list of their values, the list of their is_noisy value, the list of their error bounds. """ dist = ru.bulk_get_min_distance( node_pos, self.all_node_pos[:self.num_nodes_at_restart]) indices = np.where(dist <= self.l_settings.eps_zero)[0] prev_node_pos = list() prev_node_val = list() prev_node_is_noisy = list() prev_node_err_bounds = list() for i in reversed(sorted(indices)): val, j = ru.get_min_distance_and_index( node_pos[i], self.all_node_pos[:self.num_nodes_at_restart]) if (self.eval_mode == 'noisy' or not self.all_node_is_noisy[j]): prev_node_pos.append(self.all_node_pos[j]) prev_node_val.append(self.all_node_val[j]) prev_node_is_noisy.append(self.all_node_is_noisy[j]) prev_node_err_bounds.append( self.all_node_err_bounds[j]) node_pos = np.delete(np.atleast_2d(node_pos), i, axis=0) return (node_pos, len(prev_node_val), prev_node_pos, prev_node_val, prev_node_is_noisy, prev_node_err_bounds)
# -- end function
[docs] def phase_update(self): """Check if we should switch phase in two-phase optimization. Check if we should switch to the second phase of two-phase optimization. The conditions for switching are: 1) Optimization in noisy mode restarted too many times. 2) We reached the limit of noisy mode iterations. If both are met, the switch is performed. """ if ((self.two_phase_optimization == True) and (self.eval_mode == 'noisy') and ((self.num_noisy_restarts > self.l_settings.max_noisy_restarts) or (self.itercount >= self.l_settings.max_noisy_iterations) or (self.noisy_evalcount >= self.l_settings.max_noisy_evaluations))): self.update_log('Switching to accurate mode') self.eval_mode = 'accurate'
# -- end function
[docs] def unlimited_refinement_active(self): """Should the usual limits of refinement phase be ignored? Verify if, based on the unlimited_refinement_thresh parameter, the usual limitations on the refinement phase should be ignored. Returns ------- bool True if unlimited refinement is active, False otherwise. """ return ((self.itercount >= self.l_settings.max_iterations * self.l_settings.thresh_unlimited_refinement) or (self.evalcount >= self.l_settings.max_evaluations * self.l_settings.thresh_unlimited_refinement) or (self.elapsed_time >= self.l_settings.max_clock_time * self.l_settings.thresh_unlimited_refinement) or (self.num_stalled_iter >= self.l_settings.max_stalled_iterations * self.l_settings.thresh_unlimited_refinement_stalled))
# -- end function
[docs] def refinement_update(self, model_impr, real_impr, to_replace, rank_deficient): """Perform updates to refinement step and decide if continue. Update the radius of the refinement region and the iterate for the refinement step. Also, decide if the next step should be another refinement step, or if we should go back to global search. Parameters ---------- model_impr : float Improvement in linear model value. real_impr : float Improvement in the real function value. to_replace : int Index in ref_model_set of the point to replace. rank_deficient : bool True if the points used to build the linear model do not span the space. """ self.num_cons_refinement += 1 # Update refinement information self.ref_radius, ref_move = ref.update_refinement_radius( self.l_settings, self.ref_radius, model_impr, real_impr) if (ref_move or self.ref_model_set[to_replace] == self.ref_iterate_index): # Accept new iterate self.ref_iterate_index = len(self.node_pos) - 1 # Decide to remove the farthest point from the point we # are going to move to, rather than whatever the earlier # decision was dist, to_replace = ru.get_max_distance_and_index( self.node_pos[self.ref_iterate_index], self.node_pos[self.ref_model_set]) if (self.ref_radius < self.l_settings.ref_min_radius or (self.num_cons_refinement >= self.l_settings.max_consecutive_refinement and not self.unlimited_refinement_active())): # Do no continue refinement self.num_cons_refinement = 0 self.current_step = self.first_step self.cyclecount += 1 elif (rank_deficient or ru.distance(self.node_pos[-1], self.node_pos[self.ref_iterate_index]) <= ru.distance(self.node_pos[self.ref_model_set[to_replace]], self.node_pos[self.ref_iterate_index])): # Continue refinement. Update set of points used to build # model, since the new point is closer to the center than # the point to be replaced, or helps span the space. self.ref_model_set[to_replace] = len(self.node_pos) - 1 if (self.num_cons_refinement < self.l_settings.max_consecutive_refinement): # Update value at last refinement, unless we stopped # refinement because of limit of iterations reached self.fmin_last_refine = self.fmin
# -- end function
[docs] def refinement_update_parallel(self, model_impr, real_impr, to_replace, rank_deficient): """Perform updates to refinement step and decide if continue. Update the radius of the refinement region and the iterate for the refinement step. This is the version that should be used for parallel computation, because the update phase is different. Parameters ---------- model_impr : float Improvement in quadratic model value. real_impr : float Improvement in the real function value. to_replace : int Index in the ref_model_set of the point to replace. rank_deficient : bool True if the points used to build the linear model do not span the space. """ self.num_cons_refinement += 1 # Update refinement region information self.ref_radius, ref_move = ref.update_refinement_radius( self.l_settings, self.ref_radius, model_impr, real_impr) if (ref_move or self.ref_model_set[to_replace] == self.ref_iterate_index): # Accept new iterate self.ref_iterate_index = len(self.node_pos) - 1 # Decide to remove the farthest point from the point we # are going to move to, rather than whatever the earlier # decision was dist, to_replace = ru.get_max_distance_and_index( self.node_pos[self.ref_iterate_index], self.node_pos[self.ref_model_set]) if (self.ref_radius < self.l_settings.ref_min_radius): # Do no continue refinement self.num_cons_refinement = 0 elif (rank_deficient or ru.distance(self.node_pos[-1], self.node_pos[self.ref_iterate_index]) <= ru.distance(self.node_pos[self.ref_model_set[to_replace]], self.node_pos[self.ref_iterate_index])): # Continue refinement. Update set of points used to build # model, since the new point is closer to the center than # the point to be replaced, or helps span the space. self.ref_model_set[to_replace] = len(self.node_pos) - 1 if (self.num_cons_refinement < self.l_settings.max_consecutive_refinement): # Update value at last refinement, unless we stopped # refinement because of limit of iterations reached self.fmin_last_refine = self.fmin
# -- end function
[docs] def advance_step_counter(self): """Advance the step counter of the optimization algorithm. Advance the step counter of the optimization algorithm, and update cycle number. """ # Advance to next step. if (self.current_step > (self.current_step + 1) % self.cycle_length): self.cyclecount += 1 self.current_step = (self.current_step + 1) % self.cycle_length
# -- end function
[docs] def stalling_update(self): """Check if the algorithm is stalling. Check if the algorithm is stalling, and perform the corresponding updates. """ if (self.fmin <= (self.fmin_stall_check - self.l_settings.eps_impr * max(1.0, abs(self.fmin_stall_check)))): self.num_stalled_iter = 0 self.fmin_stall_check = self.fmin else: self.num_stalled_iter += 1
# -- end function
[docs] def require_accurate_evaluation(self, noisy_val): """Check if a given noisy value qualifies for accurate evaluation. Verify if a point with the given objective function value in noisy mode qualifies for an immediate accurate re-evaluation. Parameters ---------- noisy_val : float Value of the point to be tested, in noisy mode. Returns ------- bool True if the point should be re-evaluated in accurate mode immediately. """ # Check if the point improves over existing points, # or if it could be optimal according to tolerances. # In this case, perform a double evaluation. best_possible = self.fmin if ((noisy_val <= best_possible - self.l_settings.eps_impr*max(1.0, abs(best_possible))) or (noisy_val <= self.l_settings.target_objval + self.l_settings.eps_opt*abs(self.l_settings.target_objval))): return True else: return False
# -- end function # -- end class
[docs]def pure_global_step(settings, n, k, var_lower, var_upper, integer_vars, categorical_info, node_pos, mat): """Perform the pure global search step. Parameters ---------- mat : 2D numpy.ndarray[float] The matrix necessary for the computation. This is the inverse of the matrix [Phi P; P^T 0]. Must be a square 2D numpy.ndarray[float] of appropriate dimension. settings : :class:`rbfopt_settings.RbfoptSettings` Global and algorithmic settings. n : int The dimension of the problem, i.e. size of the space. k : int Number of nodes, i.e. interpolation points. var_lower : 1D numpy.ndarray[float] Vector of variable lower bounds. var_upper : 1D numpy.ndarray[float] Vector of variable upper bounds. integer_vars : 1D numpy.ndarray[int] A list containing the indices of the integrality constrained variables. If empty list, all variables are assumed to be continuous. categorical_info : (1D numpy.ndarray[int], 1D numpy.ndarray[int], List[(int, 1D numpy.ndarray[int])]) Information on categorical variables: array of indices of categorical variables in original space, array of indices of noncategorical variables in original space, and expansion of each categorical variable, given as a tuple (original index, indices of expanded variables). node_pos : List[List[float]] List of coordinates of the nodes mat : 2D numpy.ndarray[float] The matrix necessary for the computation. This is the inverse of the matrix [Phi P; P^T 0], see paper as cited above. Must be a square 2D numpy.ndarray[float] of appropriate dimension. Can be None when using the MSRSM algorithm. Returns ------- List[float] or None The point to be evaluated next, or None if errors occurred. """ assert(len(var_lower)==n) assert(len(var_upper)==n) assert(len(node_pos)==k) assert((mat is None and settings.algorithm.upper() == 'MSRSM') or isinstance(mat, np.ndarray)) assert(isinstance(settings, RbfoptSettings)) assert(isinstance(var_lower, np.ndarray)) assert(isinstance(var_upper, np.ndarray)) assert(isinstance(integer_vars, np.ndarray)) assert(isinstance(node_pos, np.ndarray)) # Infstep: explore the parameter space return aux.pure_global_search(settings, n, k, var_lower, var_upper, integer_vars, categorical_info, node_pos, mat)
# -- end function def local_step(settings, n, k, var_lower, var_upper, integer_vars, categorical_info, node_pos, rbf_lambda, rbf_h, tfv, Amat, Amatinv, fmin_index, two_phase_optimization, eval_mode, node_is_noisy): """Perform local search step, possibly adjusted. Perform a local search step. This typically accepts the minimum of the RBF model as the next point if it is a viable option; if this is not viable, it will perform an adjusted local search and try to generate a different candidate. It also verifies if it is better to evaluate a brand new point, or re-evaluate a previously known point. The test is based on bumpiness of the resulting interpolant. Parameters ---------- settings : :class:`rbfopt_settings.RbfoptSettings` Global and algorithmic settings. n : int The dimension of the problem, i.e. size of the space. k : int Number of nodes, i.e. interpolation points. var_lower : 1D numpy.ndarray[float] Vector of variable lower bounds. var_upper : 1D numpy.ndarray[float] Vector of variable upper bounds. integer_vars : 1D numpy.ndarray[int] A list containing the indices of the integrality constrained variables. If empty list, all variables are assumed to be continuous. categorical_info : (1D numpy.ndarray[int], 1D numpy.ndarray[int], List[(int, 1D numpy.ndarray[int])]) Information on categorical variables: array of indices of categorical variables in original space, array of indices of noncategorical variables in original space, and expansion of each categorical variable, given as a tuple (original index, indices of expanded variables). node_pos : 2D numpy.ndarray[float] List of coordinates of the nodes. rbf_lambda : 1D numpy.ndarray[float] The lambda coefficients of the RBF interpolant, corresponding to the radial basis functions. List of dimension k. rbf_h : 1D numpy.ndarray[float] The h coefficients of the RBF interpolant, corresponding to the polynomial. List of dimension n+1. tfv : (1D numpy.ndarray[float], float, float, 2D numpy.ndarray[float]) Transformed function values: scaled node values, scaled minimum, scaled maximum, scaled node error bounds. Amat : 2D numpy.ndarray[float] RBF matrix, i.e. [Phi P; P^T 0]. Amatinv : 2D numpy.ndarray[float] or None Inverse of the RBF matrix, i.e. [Phi P; P^T 0]^{-1}. Can be None if the algorithm is MSRSM. fmin_index : int Index of the minimum value among the nodes. two_phase_optimization : bool Is the noisy but fast objective function is available? eval_mode : string Evaluation mode for the objective function at a given stage. Can be either 'noisy' or 'accurate'. node_is_noisy : List[bool] For each interpolation node in node_pos, was it evaluated in 'noisy' mode? Returns ------- (bool, 1D numpy.ndarray[float] or None, int or None) A triple (adjusted, point, index) where adjusted is True if the local search was adjusted rather than a pure local search, point is the point to be evaluated next (or None if errors occurred), and index is the index that this point should replace, or None if the point should be appended. See also -------- rbfopt_utils.transform_function_values() """ assert(isinstance(var_lower, np.ndarray)) assert(isinstance(var_upper, np.ndarray)) assert(isinstance(integer_vars, np.ndarray)) assert(isinstance(node_pos, np.ndarray)) assert(isinstance(rbf_lambda, np.ndarray)) assert(isinstance(rbf_h, np.ndarray)) assert(len(var_lower)==n) assert(len(var_upper)==n) assert(len(rbf_lambda)==k) assert(len(node_pos)==k) assert(len(node_is_noisy)==k) assert(0 <= fmin_index < k) assert((eval_mode=='noisy') or (eval_mode=='accurate')) assert(isinstance(settings, RbfoptSettings)) assert(isinstance(Amat, np.ndarray)) assert((Amatinv is None and settings.algorithm.upper() == 'MSRSM') or isinstance(Amatinv, np.ndarray) ) scaled_node_val, scaled_fmin, scaled_fmax, scaled_err_bounds = tfv # Local search: compute the minimum of the RBF. min_rbf = aux.minimize_rbf( settings, n, k, var_lower, var_upper, integer_vars, categorical_info, node_pos, rbf_lambda, rbf_h, node_pos[fmin_index]) if (min_rbf is not None): min_rbf_val = ru.evaluate_rbf(settings, min_rbf, n, k, node_pos, rbf_lambda, rbf_h) # If the RBF cannot me minimized, or if the minimum is # larger than the node with smallest value, just take the # node with the smallest value. if (min_rbf is None or (min_rbf_val >= scaled_fmin + settings.eps_zero)): min_rbf = node_pos[fmin_index] min_rbf_val = scaled_fmin # Check if point can be accepted: is there an improvement? if (min_rbf_val <= (scaled_fmin - settings.eps_impr * max(1.0, abs(scaled_fmin)))): target_val = min_rbf_val next_p = min_rbf adjusted = False else: # If the point is not improving, we solve a global # search problem, rescaling the search box to enforce # some sort of local search target_val = scaled_fmin - 0.01*max(1.0, abs(scaled_fmin)) dist_weight = 0.05 local_varl = np.maximum(min_rbf - settings.local_search_box_scaling * 0.33 * (var_upper - var_lower), var_lower) local_varu = np.minimum(min_rbf + settings.local_search_box_scaling * 0.33 * (var_upper - var_lower), var_upper) ru.round_integer_bounds(local_varl, local_varu, integer_vars) next_p = aux.global_search( settings, n, k, local_varl, local_varu, integer_vars, categorical_info, node_pos, rbf_lambda, rbf_h, Amatinv, target_val, dist_weight, scaled_fmin, scaled_fmax) adjusted = True # If previous points were evaluated in low quality and we are # now in high-quality local search mode, then we should verify # if it is better to evaluate a brand new point or re-evaluate # a previously known point. if ((two_phase_optimization == True) and (eval_mode == 'accurate')): ind, bump = aux.get_min_bump_node(settings, n, k, Amat, scaled_node_val, scaled_err_bounds, target_val) if (ind is not None and next_p is not None): # Check if the newly proposed point is very close to an # existing one. dist, ind = ru.get_min_distance_and_index(next_p, node_pos) if (dist > settings.min_dist): # If not, compute bumpiness of the newly proposed point. n_bump = aux.get_bump_new_node(settings, n, k, node_pos, scaled_node_val, next_p, scaled_err_bounds, target_val) else: # If yes, we will simply reevaluate the existing point # (if it can be reevaluated). n_bump = (np.inf if node_is_noisy[ind] else -np.inf) if (n_bump > bump): # In this case we want to put the new point at the # same location as one of the old points. return (True, node_pos[ind], ind) # -- end if # -- end if return (adjusted, next_p, None) # -- end function
[docs]def refinement_step(settings, n, k, var_lower, var_upper, integer_vars, categorical_info, node_pos, tfv, h, b, rank_deficient, model_set, start_point_index, ref_radius): """Perform a refinement step. Perform a refinement step to locally improve the solution. Parameters ---------- settings : :class:`rbfopt_settings.RbfoptSettings` Global and algorithmic settings. n : int The dimension of the problem, i.e. size of the space. k : int Number of nodes, i.e. interpolation points. var_lower : 1D numpy.ndarray[float] Vector of variable lower bounds. var_upper : 1D numpy.ndarray[float] Vector of variable upper bounds. integer_vars: 1D numpy.ndarray[int] A list containing the indices of the integrality constrained variables. If empty list, all variables are assumed to be continuous. categorical_info : (1D numpy.ndarray[int], 1D numpy.ndarray[int], List[(int, 1D numpy.ndarray[int])]) Information on categorical variables: array of indices of categorical variables in original space, array of indices of noncategorical variables in original space, and expansion of each categorical variable, given as a tuple (original index, indices of expanded variables). node_pos : 2D numpy.ndarray[float] List of coordinates of the nodes. h : 1D numpy.ndarray[float] Linear coefficients of the quadratic model. b : float Constant term of the quadratic model. rank_deficient : bool True if the points used to build the linear model do not span the space. model_set : 1D numpy.ndarray[int] Indices of points in node_pos to be used to compute model. start_point_index : int Index in node_pos of the starting point for the descent. ref_radius : float Radius of the refinement region. Returns ------- (1D numpy.ndarray[float], float, int) Next candidate point for the search, the corresponding model value difference, and the index in model_set of the point to replace. """ assert(isinstance(var_lower, np.ndarray)) assert(isinstance(var_upper, np.ndarray)) assert(isinstance(h, np.ndarray)) assert(len(var_lower)==n) assert(len(var_upper)==n) assert(start_point_index < k) assert(len(h)==n) assert(ref_radius>=0) assert(isinstance(settings, RbfoptSettings)) scaled_node_val, scaled_fmin, scaled_fmax, scaled_err_bounds = tfv found_model_impr = False if (rank_deficient): point, found_model_impr, to_replace = ref.get_model_improving_point( settings, n, k, var_lower, var_upper, node_pos, model_set, start_point_index, ref_radius, integer_vars, categorical_info) model_impr =, point) + b if (not rank_deficient or not found_model_impr): start_point = node_pos[start_point_index] point, model_impr, grad_norm = ref.get_candidate_point( settings, n, k, var_lower, var_upper, h, start_point, ref_radius) dist, to_replace = ru.get_max_distance_and_index( start_point, node_pos[model_set]) if (len(integer_vars)): # Get a rounding of the point point, model_impr_adj = ref.get_integer_candidate( settings, n, k, h, start_point, ref_radius, point, integer_vars, categorical_info) model_impr += model_impr_adj if (grad_norm <= settings.ref_min_grad_norm): return None, model_impr, to_replace return point, model_impr, to_replace
# -- end function
[docs]def global_step(settings, n, k, var_lower, var_upper, integer_vars, categorical_info, node_pos, rbf_lambda, rbf_h, tfv, Amatinv, fmin_index, current_step): """Perform global search step. Perform a global search step, with a different methodology depending on the algorithm chosen. Parameters ---------- settings : :class:`rbfopt_settings.RbfoptSettings` Global and algorithmic settings. n : int The dimension of the problem, i.e. size of the space. k : int Number of nodes, i.e. interpolation points. var_lower : 1D numpy.ndarray[float] Vector of variable lower bounds. var_upper : 1D numpy.ndarray[float] Vector of variable upper bounds. integer_vars: 1D numpy.ndarray[int] A list containing the indices of the integrality constrained variables. If empty list, all variables are assumed to be continuous. categorical_info : (1D numpy.ndarray[int], 1D numpy.ndarray[int], List[(int, 1D numpy.ndarray[int])]) Information on categorical variables: array of indices of categorical variables in original space, array of indices of noncategorical variables in original space, and expansion of each categorical variable, given as a tuple (original index, indices of expanded variables). node_pos : 2D numpy.ndarray[float] List of coordinates of the nodes. rbf_lambda : 1D numpy.ndarray[float] The lambda coefficients of the RBF interpolant, corresponding to the radial basis functions. List of dimension k. rbf_h : 1D numpy.ndarray[float] The h coefficients of the RBF interpolant, corresponding to the polynomial. List of dimension n+1. tfv : (List[float], float, float, List[(float, float)]) Transformed function values: scaled node values, scaled minimum, scaled maximum, and node error bounds. Amatinv : 2D numpy.ndarray[float] or None The matrix necessary for the computation. This is the inverse of the matrix [Phi P; P^T 0], see paper as cited above. Must be a square 2D numpy.ndarray[float] of appropriate dimension. Can be None if algorithm is MSRSM. fmin_index : int Index of the minimum value among the nodes. current_step : int Identifier of the current step within the cyclic optimization strategy counter. Returns ------- 1D numpy.ndarray[float] or None The point to be evaluated next, or None if errors occurred. """ assert(isinstance(var_lower, np.ndarray)) assert(isinstance(var_upper, np.ndarray)) assert(isinstance(integer_vars, np.ndarray)) assert(isinstance(rbf_lambda, np.ndarray)) assert(isinstance(rbf_h, np.ndarray)) assert(isinstance(node_pos, np.ndarray)) assert(len(var_lower)==n) assert(len(var_upper)==n) assert(len(rbf_lambda)==k) assert(len(node_pos)==k) assert(0 <= fmin_index < k) assert((Amatinv is None and settings.algorithm.upper() == 'MSRSM') or isinstance(Amatinv, np.ndarray)) assert(isinstance(settings, RbfoptSettings)) assert(0 <= current_step <= settings.num_global_searches) scaled_node_val, scaled_fmin, scaled_fmax, scaled_err_bounds = tfv assert (isinstance(scaled_node_val, np.ndarray)) # Global search: compromise between finding a good value of the # objective function, and improving the model. if (settings.algorithm.upper() == 'GUTMANN'): # If we use Gutmann's algorithm, we need the minimum of the # RBF interpolant to choose the target value. min_rbf = aux.minimize_rbf(settings, n, k, var_lower, var_upper, integer_vars, categorical_info, node_pos, rbf_lambda, rbf_h, node_pos[fmin_index]) if (min_rbf is not None): min_rbf_val = ru.evaluate_rbf(settings, min_rbf, n, k, node_pos, rbf_lambda, rbf_h) # If the RBF cannot me minimized, or if the minimum is larger # than the node with smallest value, just take the node with # the smallest value. if (min_rbf is None or min_rbf_val >= scaled_fmin + settings.eps_zero): min_rbf = node_pos[fmin_index] min_rbf_val = scaled_fmin else: # For the Metric SRSM method, pick the node with the smallest # value as minimum of the RBF. min_rbf = node_pos[fmin_index] min_rbf_val = scaled_fmin # Compute the function value used to determine the target # value. This is given by the sorted value in position sigma_n, # where sigma_n is a function described in the paper by Gutmann # (2001). If clipping is disabled, we simply take the largest # function value. if (settings.targetval_clipping): local_fmax = ru.get_fmax_current_iter(settings, n, k, current_step, scaled_node_val) else: local_fmax = scaled_fmax # For Gutmann's RBF method, the scaling factor is 1 - h/kappa, # where h goes from 0 to kappa-1 over the course of one global # search cycle, and kappa is the number of global searches. scaling = (1 - ((current_step - 1) / settings.num_global_searches))**2 target_val = (min_rbf_val - scaling * (local_fmax - min_rbf_val)) # For Metric SRSM, The weighting factor for the distance is is # (h+1)/kappa, where h goes from 0 to kappa-1 over the course of # one global search cycle, and kappa is the number of global # searches. If dist_weight would be 0, we set it to 0.05. dist_weight = (1 - (current_step / settings.num_global_searches) if (current_step < settings.num_global_searches) else 0.05) # If the global search is almost a local search, we restrict the # search to a box following Regis and Shoemaker (2007) if (scaling <= settings.local_search_threshold): local_varl = np.maximum(min_rbf - settings.local_search_box_scaling * 0.33 * (var_upper - var_lower), var_lower) local_varu = np.minimum(min_rbf + settings.local_search_box_scaling * 0.33 * (var_upper - var_lower), var_upper) ru.round_integer_bounds(local_varl, local_varu, integer_vars) else: # Otherwise, use original bounds local_varl = var_lower local_varu = var_upper next_p = aux.global_search(settings, n, k, local_varl, local_varu, integer_vars, categorical_info, node_pos, rbf_lambda, rbf_h, Amatinv, target_val, dist_weight, scaled_fmin, scaled_fmax) return next_p
# -- end function
[docs]def objfun(data): """Call the evaluate() method of a RbfoptBlackBox object. Apply the evaluate() method of the given RbfoptBlackBox object to the given point. This way of calling the method indirectly is necessary for parallelization. Parameters ---------- data : (rbfopt_black_box.RbfoptBlackBox, 1D numpy.ndarray[float], (1D numpy.ndarray[int], 1D numpy.ndarray[int], List[(float, float, 1D numpy.ndarray[int])]), List[(int, float)]) A quadruple or list with four elements (black_box, point, categorical_info, fixed_vars) containing an object derived from class RbfoptBlackBox, that describes the problem, the point at which we want to apply the evaluate() method, information on categorical variables, and a list of fixed variables given as pairs (index, value). Returns ------- float The value of the function evaluate() at the point. """ assert(len(data)==4) assert(isinstance(data[0], RbfoptBlackBox)) # Map categorical variables back to original if (data[2][2]): categorical, not_categorical, expansion = data[2] point = np.zeros(len(categorical) + len(not_categorical)) point[not_categorical] = data[1][:len(not_categorical)] for (i, vl, unary_encoding_vars) in expansion: for (j, pos) in enumerate(unary_encoding_vars): if (data[1][pos] == 1): point[i] = vl + j break else: point = data[1] # Add fixed variables if (data[3]): point = point.tolist() for (i, val) in data[3]: point.insert(i, val) point = np.array(point) return data[0].evaluate(point)
# -- end function
[docs]def objfun_noisy(data): """Call the evaluate_noisy() method of a RbfoptBlackBox object. Apply the evaluate_noisy() method of the given RbfoptBlackBox object to the given point. This way of calling the method indirectly is necessary for parallelization. Parameters ---------- data : (rbfopt_black_box.RbfoptBlackBox, 1D numpy.ndarray[float], (1D numpy.ndarray[int], 1D numpy.ndarray[int], List[(float, float, 1D numpy.ndarray[int])]), List[(int, float)]) A quadruple or list with four elements (black_box, point, categorical_info, fixed_vars) containing an object derived from class RbfoptBlackBox, that describes the problem, the point at which we want to apply the evaluate() method, information on categorical variables, and a list of fixed variables given as pairs (index, value). Returns ------- (float, float, float) The value of the function evaluate_noisy() at the point, and the possible variation given as lower and upper variation. """ assert(len(data)==4) assert(isinstance(data[0], RbfoptBlackBox)) # Map categorical variables back to original if (data[2][2]): categorical, not_categorical, expansion = data[2] point = np.zeros(len(categorical) + len(not_categorical)) point[not_categorical] = data[1][:len(not_categorical)] for (i, vl, unary_encoding_vars) in expansion: for (j, pos) in enumerate(unary_encoding_vars): if (data[1][pos] == 1): point[i] = vl + j break else: point = data[1] # Add fixed variables if (data[3]): point = point.tolist() for (i, val) in data[3]: point.insert(i, val) point = np.array(point) return data[0].evaluate_noisy(point)
# -- end function