Source code for rbfopt_refinement

"""Routines for trust-region based local search.

This module contains all functions that are necessary to implement a
trust-region based local search to refine the solution quality. The
local search exploits a linear model of the objective function.

Licensed under Revised BSD license, see LICENSE.
(C) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2017.


from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import absolute_import

import numpy as np
import scipy.spatial as ss
import scipy.linalg as la
import rbfopt.rbfopt_utils as ru
from rbfopt.rbfopt_settings import RbfoptSettings

[docs]def init_trust_region(settings, n, k, node_pos, center): """Initialize the trust region. Determine which nodes should be used to create a linear model of the objective function, and determine the initial radius of the trust region. Parameters ---------- settings : :class:`rbfopt_settings.RbfoptSettings`. Global and algorithmic settings. n : int Dimension of the problem, i.e. the size of the space. k : int Number of interpolation nodes. node_pos : 2D numpy.ndarray[float] List of coordinates of the nodes. center : 1D numpy.ndarray[float] Node that acts as a center for the quadratic model. Returns ------- (1D numpy.ndarray[int], float) Indices in node_pos of points to build the model, and initial radius of the trust region. Raises ------ numpy.linalg.LinAlgError If the matrix cannot be computed for numerical reasons. """ assert(isinstance(node_pos, np.ndarray)) assert(len(node_pos)==k) assert(k >= 2) assert(isinstance(center, np.ndarray)) assert(len(np.atleast_1d(center))==n) assert(isinstance(settings, RbfoptSettings)) # Find points closest to the given point dist = ss.distance.cdist(np.atleast_2d(center), node_pos) dist_order = np.argsort(dist[0]) # The nodes to keep are those closest to the center num_to_keep = min(n + 1, k) # Build array of nodes to keep model_set = dist_order[np.arange(num_to_keep)] tr_radius = max(np.percentile(dist[0, model_set[1:]], 25), settings.tr_min_radius * 2**settings.tr_init_radius_multiplier) return (model_set, tr_radius)
# -- end function
[docs]def get_linear_model(settings, n, k, node_pos, node_val, model_set): """Compute a linear model of the function. Determine a linear model h^T x + b of the objective function in an area that is centered on the given node. The model is computed by solving a (not necessarily square) linear system, inducing sparsity. Parameters ---------- settings : :class:`rbfopt_settings.RbfoptSettings`. Global and algorithmic settings. n : int Dimension of the problem, i.e. the size of the space. k : int Number of interpolation nodes. node_pos : 2D numpy.ndarray[float] List of coordinates of the nodes. node_val : 1D numpy.ndarray[float] List of values of the function at the nodes. model_set : 1D numpy.ndarray[int] Indices of points in node_pos to be used to compute model. Returns ------- 1D numpy.ndarray[float], float, bool Coefficients of the linear model h, b, and a boolean indicating if the linear model is underdetermined. Raises ------ numpy.linalg.LinAlgError If the matrix cannot be computed for numerical reasons. """ assert(isinstance(node_pos, np.ndarray)) assert(len(node_pos)==k) assert(isinstance(node_val, np.ndarray)) assert(len(node_val)==k) assert(isinstance(model_set, np.ndarray)) assert(isinstance(settings, RbfoptSettings)) model_size = len(model_set) # Determine the coefficients of the linear system. lstsq_mat = np.hstack((node_pos[model_set], np.ones((model_size, 1)))) rank_deficient = False # Solve least squares system and recover quadratic form try: x, res, rank, s = np.linalg.lstsq(lstsq_mat, node_val[model_set], rcond=-1) if (rank < model_size): rank_deficient = True except np.linalg.LinAlgError as e: print('Exception raised trying to compute quadratic model', file=sys.stderr) print(e, file=sys.stderr) raise e h = x[:n] b = x[-1] return h, b, rank_deficient
# -- end function
[docs]def get_candidate_point(settings, n, k, var_lower, var_upper, h, start_point, tr_radius): """Compute the next candidate point of the trust region method. Starting from a given point, compute a descent direction and move in that direction to find the point with lowest value of the linear model, within the radius of the trust region. Parameters ---------- settings : :class:`rbfopt_settings.RbfoptSettings`. Global and algorithmic settings. n : int Dimension of the problem, i.e. the size of the space. k : int Number of interpolation nodes. var_lower : 1D numpy.ndarray[float] Vector of variable lower bounds. var_upper : 1D numpy.ndarray[float] Vector of variable upper bounds. h : 1D numpy.ndarray[float] Linear coefficients of the quadratic model. start_point : 1D numpy.ndarray[float] Starting point for the descent. tr_radius : float Radius of the trust region. Returns ------- (1D numpy.ndarray[float], float, float) Next candidate point for the search, the corresponding model value difference, and the norm of the gradient at the current point. """ assert(isinstance(var_lower, np.ndarray)) assert(isinstance(var_upper, np.ndarray)) assert(isinstance(start_point, np.ndarray)) assert(isinstance(h, np.ndarray)) assert(len(var_lower)==n) assert(len(var_upper)==n) assert(len(start_point)==n) assert(len(h)==n) assert(tr_radius>=0) assert(isinstance(settings, RbfoptSettings)) grad_norm = np.sqrt(, h)) # If the gradient is essentially zero, there is nothing to improve if (grad_norm <= settings.eps_zero): return (start_point, 0.0, grad_norm) # Determine maximum (smallest) t for line search before we exceed bounds max_t = tr_radius/np.sqrt(, h)) loc = (h > 0) * (start_point >= var_lower + settings.min_dist) if (np.any(loc)): to_var_lower = (start_point[loc] - var_lower[loc]) / h[loc] max_t = min(max_t, np.min(to_var_lower)) loc = (h < 0) * (start_point <= var_upper - settings.min_dist) if (np.any(loc)): to_var_upper = (start_point[loc] - var_upper[loc]) / h[loc] max_t = min(max_t, np.min(to_var_upper)) candidate = np.clip(start_point - max_t * h, var_lower, var_upper) return (candidate,, start_point - candidate), grad_norm)
# -- end function
[docs]def get_integer_candidate(settings, n, k, h, start_point, tr_radius, candidate, integer_vars): """Get integer candidate point from a fractional point. Look for integer points around the given fractional point, trying to find one with a good value of the quadratic model. Parameters ---------- settings : :class:`rbfopt_settings.RbfoptSettings`. Global and algorithmic settings. n : int Dimension of the problem, i.e. the size of the space. k : int Number of interpolation nodes. h : 1D numpy.ndarray[float] Linear coefficients of the model. start_point : 1D numpy.ndarray[float] Starting point for the descent. tr_radius : float Radius of the trust region. candidate : 1D numpy.ndarray[float] Fractional point to being the search. integer_vars : 1D numpy.ndarray[int] Indices of the integer variables. Returns ------- (1D numpy.ndarray[float], float) Next candidate point for the search, and the corresponding change in model value compared to the given point. """ assert(isinstance(candidate, np.ndarray)) assert(len(candidate) == n) assert(isinstance(h, np.ndarray)) assert(len(h) == n) assert(isinstance(integer_vars, np.ndarray)) assert(isinstance(settings, RbfoptSettings)) # Compute the rounding down and up floor = np.floor(candidate[integer_vars]) ceil = np.ceil(candidate[integer_vars]) curr_point = np.copy(candidate) curr_point[integer_vars] = np.where(h[integer_vars] >= 0, ceil, floor) best_value =, curr_point) best_point = np.copy(curr_point) for i in range(n * settings.tr_num_integer_candidates): # We round each integer variable up or down depending on its # fractional value and a uniform random number curr_point[integer_vars] = np.where( np.random.uniform(size=len(integer_vars)) < candidate[integer_vars] - floor, ceil, floor) curr_value =, curr_point) if (ru.distance(curr_point, start_point) <= tr_radius and curr_value < best_value): best_value = curr_value best_point = np.copy(curr_point) return (best_point,, candidate) - best_value)
# -- end function
[docs]def get_model_improving_point(settings, n, k, var_lower, var_upper, node_pos, model_set, start_point_index, tr_radius, integer_vars): """Compute a point to improve the model used in the trust region. Determine a point that improves the geometry of the set of points used to build the trust region model. This point may not have a good objective function value, but it ensures that the model is well behaved. Parameters ---------- settings : :class:`rbfopt_settings.RbfoptSettings`. Global and algorithmic settings. n : int Dimension of the problem, i.e. the size of the space. k : int Number of interpolation nodes. var_lower : 1D numpy.ndarray[float] Vector of variable lower bounds. var_upper : 1D numpy.ndarray[float] Vector of variable upper bounds. node_pos : 2D numpy.ndarray[float] List of coordinates of the nodes. model_set : 1D numpy.ndarray[int] Indices of points in node_pos to be used to compute model. start_point_index : int Index in node_pos of the starting point for the descent. tr_radius : float Radius of the trust region. integer_vars : 1D numpy.ndarray[int] Indices of the integer variables. Returns ------- (1D numpy.ndarray[float], bool, int) Next candidate point to improve the model, a boolean indicating success, and the index of the point to replace if successful. """ assert(isinstance(var_lower, np.ndarray)) assert(isinstance(var_upper, np.ndarray)) assert(len(var_lower)==n) assert(len(var_upper)==n) assert(isinstance(node_pos, np.ndarray)) assert(len(node_pos)==k) assert(isinstance(model_set, np.ndarray)) assert(start_point_index < k) assert(tr_radius>=0) assert(isinstance(settings, RbfoptSettings)) # Remove the start point from the model set if necessary red_model_set = np.array([i for i in model_set if i != start_point_index]) model_size = len(red_model_set) # Tolerance for linearly dependent rows # Determine the coefficients of the directions spanned by the model A = node_pos[red_model_set] - node_pos[start_point_index] Q, R, P = la.qr(A.T, mode='full', pivoting=True) rank = min(A.shape) - np.abs(np.diag(R))[::-1].searchsorted( settings.eps_linear_dependence) if (rank >= model_size): # Numerically, the rank is ok according to our tolerance. # Return indicating that we do not have to perform model # improvement. return (node_pos[start_point_index], False, start_point_index) success = False d = np.zeros(n) i = rank to_replace = P[i] while (i < model_size and not success): # Determine candidate direction d = Q[:, i].T*tr_radius d = np.clip(node_pos[start_point_index] + d, var_lower, var_upper) - node_pos[start_point_index] if (len(integer_vars)): # Zero out small directions, and increase to one nonzero # integer directions d[np.abs(d) < settings.eps_zero] = 0 d[integer_vars] = (np.sign(d[integer_vars]) * np.maximum(np.abs(d[integer_vars]), np.ones(len(integer_vars)))) d[integer_vars] = np.around(d[integer_vars]) # Check if rank increased B = np.vstack((A[P[:rank], :], d.T)) Q2, R2, P2 = la.qr(B.T, mode='full', pivoting=True) new_rank = min(B.shape) - np.abs(np.diag(R2))[::-1].searchsorted( settings.eps_linear_dependence) if (new_rank > rank): to_replace = P[i] success = True i += 1 return (node_pos[start_point_index] + d, success, to_replace)
# -- end function
[docs]def update_trust_region_radius(settings, tr_radius, model_obj_diff, real_obj_diff): """Update the radius of the trust region. Compute the updated trust region radius based on the true objective function difference between the old point and the new point, and that of the quadratic model. Also, determine if the new iterate should be accepted. Parameters ---------- settings : :class:`rbfopt_settings.RbfoptSettings`. Global and algorithmic settings. tr_radius : float Current radius of the trust region. model_obj_diff : float Difference in objective function value of the new point and the previous point, according to the linear model. real_obj_diff : float Difference in the real objective function value of the new point and the previous point. Returns ------- (float, bool) Updated radius of the trust region, and whether the point should be accepted. """ assert(tr_radius >= 0) assert(isinstance(settings, RbfoptSettings)) init_radius = tr_radius decrease = (real_obj_diff / model_obj_diff if abs(model_obj_diff) > settings.eps_zero else 0) if (decrease <= settings.tr_acceptable_decrease_shrink): tr_radius *= 0.5 elif (decrease >= settings.tr_acceptable_decrease_enlarge): tr_radius *= 2 return (tr_radius, decrease >= settings.tr_acceptable_decrease_move)
# -- end function